[12] zombie couple

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"Do you think zombies need to sleep too?" I wonder out loud.

From beside me, I hear Cheong-San scoff, shaking his head incredulously. "They're dead, why would they need sleep?"

I shurg. "I don't know, it must be tiring walking around and hissing every five seconds." I press my palms on the window sill, observing the zombies on the ground. "What do you think happens to them if they don't eat for a long time? Do they die of hunger?"

Cheong-San furrows his eyebrows, not responding to my question.

"Do you think they still recognize us, or have their memories even if they're zombies?" The idea of zombies existing never crossed my mind, but standing above them and observing them made me think. I look down at my hands. "I hope if I turn into a zombie I won't forget you guys. I don't want to accidentally end up eating you."

"That's... thoughtful of you, I guess." Cheong-San mutters.

I nod. "Yeah, because if I do accidentally end up eating you I'd probably get food poison."

Cheong-San shoves me playfully. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I laugh. "It means I don't think any of you would taste good."

"That's insulting, Tokki." Cheong-San laughs along.

"But for real though, I don't want to end up eating anyone of you if I do turn into a zombie." I sigh.

Cheong-San places his hand on top of mine, making me look at him. "You won't turn into one. I won't let you."

"Likewise." I smile at him. "But if you do end up turning into a zombie, I want you to bite me too."

"Why would you want that?" Cheong-San asks.

"Because it would be boring without you." I shrug. "Besides, I think we'd make a great zombie couple!"

"C-couple?" Cheong-San chokes, stepping away from me a little.

I smile at him sadly. "Yah, don't act so disgusted, I was just joking."

"N-no! I'm not disgusted." He steps closer to me, our shoulders bumping. "I'm just surprised you'd say that."


"Don't you... hate me?" Cheong-San's voice is soft, almost as if he's insecure.

I look at him, gaze soft. "I could never hate you, Lee Cheong-San. Sure, you annoy me the most and sometimes I just want to tape your lips shut-" He snaps his head towards me. I raise my pointer finger to his lips to prevent him from retaliating. "But! You're my person. You're the first person I think of when something good or bad happens to me. Whenever I'm in trouble, I'm never nervous because I know you'll be right there... and I feel like myself when I'm with you."

He looks up and meets my gaze. For a few seconds it feels like it's just the two of us. No zombies, no classmates... just us.

But of course, Cheong-San being Cheong-San, he simply raises his arm and presses the back of his hand against my forehead. "You sure you don't have a fever? Are you turning into a zombie right now? Do people turn the opposite of how they usually are when they turn into zombies?"

I scoff and slap his hand away. "Thanks for ruining the moment, you ass. I'm never going to be nice to you ever again. Remember this day, Lee Cheong-San."

Cheong-San laughs loudly- the loudest I've ever heard him laugh before- and it makes me smile. I wish he'd laugh like this more.

"You keep surprising me, Tokki." He ruffles my hair. "I'm not saying I don't like it though."

Insanity ♧ L. Cheong-San x OC (All Of Us Are Dead)Where stories live. Discover now