Taehyung pov

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After everyone entered gym a went to my office. But In few minutes I heard some weird sound from the bathroom . I was scared because it was really really weird sounds and I still hear them from here so I'm coming to check what's going on here.
Why is jk's clothes on the bench ? Hey is there anyone? Um no answer.. oh my gosh. Guys ? Why are you doing here ? Jungkook ?
Jungkook why did you push him.
Because he is pervert . Calm down Jungkook .
Are you okey boy ? Felix , I'm Felix . Oh okey Felix .. are you okey ?
Yes sir I'm okey . You should go back to your class felix .. be careful. Okey bye sir .
Felix enter the bathroom . I turned around and i saw jungkook with just towel around his waist. L-l-little m-man ? I was in shock. His skin is clear like a snow and his arms are so big . My eyes slide down to his waist. His thighs are so strong and I can't get my eyes of them . Mister? Sir ? Are you here ?
Oh , um jungkook? You and him um .. are you sl- .. no sir . You don't know it about me ?
What ? Everyone's know that I'm old virgin. Jungkook said shyly . How old are you ?
I'm 18 years old sir . Haha you're little man jungkook .. it's okey to be virgin. Oh thanks for supporting pervert sir . Jungkook smiled .
I don't want to talk with you when you're taking shower . When You're done here , come to my office . Yes sir .

( ignore mistakes please )

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