Take me back

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* ring tone *
,,Um ?" The phone ringing waking jimin up .
Who is that ? Jimin whispered and look at the phone. he wondered why taehyung was calling him. he had never called him before, and no one had seen him in two days. he quickly picked up the phone but there was just a grave silence for a few seconds .
Taehyung ?
Taehyung are you okey?
Jimin asked but no one answered. Jimin was just sitting on the couch and waiting for taehyung answer.
Ju- jungkook ? Im- I'm sorry b-b-but I ne-need you t-to c-c-come . taehyung said heavily, and jimin heard his crying voice .
Oh shit .. are okey ? Where are you ? .
H-home p-please c-c-come .
I-i send y-y-You a ad-d-address .
* taehyung send a message *
Okey okey . Just wait for me okey ? I'll be there in ten minutes. Jimin dressed quietly but quickly and left Jungkook's college .
* door knocking *
Hi jimin . Taehyung said and hugged jimin .
jimin stopped for a moment, wondering if he should hug him back. he had never hugged him before, and this was new for him. but a crying boy hugged him so he hugged him tightly back . After few seconds taehyung broke the hug .
What is happening taehyung ? I'm here for you okey ? So stop crying and talk to me . Jimin trying to comfort him .
Come with me .
taehyung grabbed jimin's sleeve and led him into the living room. they sat down and taehyung began to speak .
Jimin I can't live without jungkook . I don't know what to do because he loves felix and- .
He fallen into crying .
Stop talking .. crying.. just crying.. this is the best for you now .
Jimin hugged him tightly and stroked his hair.
They sat on the couch and hugged until taehyung calmed down. Taehyung stopped crying . so they finally could talking about it .
Do you love him taehyung ?

Of course I love him jimin ... I never felt something like that to someone .

You should tell him then...

I don't think jimin ... he's in love with someone else.

why do you keep saying that ? It's bullshit !

Because he had sex with Felix jimin ... if he loved me he wouldn't be able to sleep with someone else.

But he never slept with Felix ... i don't know who said that but it's not true . I think he never loved him .

I saw Felix in his college.. he was half naked and jungkook's dick was really b- .

Okey taehyung I get it . But it's not like that .
Felix was half naked because jungkook poured his shirt and jungkook had , you know what , because he was thinking about you taehyung !

Wait .. he was thinking about me ? I'm the reason of his boner ? I didn't know that...

Yes ! It's because of you ... he's in love with you . I never saw him like that. His smile is different when he talking about you taehyung.

What should I do jimin ? He must hate me after I ran away .

I think you should go with me to his college now .

jimin and taehyung went to jungkook's college. they stopped at the door and taehyung was too nervous . The things what happened the first time he stood at this door came back to his memory.
Are you okey taehyung ? Jimin ask him and taehyung nodded his head. he unlocked the door and they walked quietly inside . It was 6 o'clock in the morning and jungkook was still asleep.
Jungkook is in his bedroom. Jimin said and show him where the bedroom is .
Okey jimin thank you . Taehyung was about to went the bedroom but jimin stopped him .
Here .... Take it . he handed him the plaid pajama pants and white tee .
Thanks chim chim . Taehyung smiled at him and jimin smiled back . Taehyung finally went the bedroom .
Oh wow ... sleeping beauty. He whispered

- that's how he look - Taehyung was about to lay down to him but jungkook moved

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- that's how he look -
Taehyung was about to lay down to him but jungkook moved . at first he was scared he woke up but he just rolled onto left side face to him . Taehyung wait for few seconds and then he lay down to jungkook . His belly is touching jungkook's back and his chest is touching jungkook's shoulders . Taehyung hugged him from the back and kiss him on his shoulder.
What are you doing jimin . Jungkook half woke up and said with sleepy voice . Taehyung kissed him again but on his arm .
Stop kissing me jimin and go away .
Taehyung wasn't stop and kissed him on his back and than on his other shoulder.
Fuck you jimin ... stop fucking kissing me and get the fuck out of here ! Jungkook got angry and shouted at him little bit .
Taehyung bite his ear and that's makes jungkook to open his eyes. He wanted to shout at him but then he notice the hand ... there was no tattoo . He quickly turned around and saw taehyung before his face .
Taehyung ? tears filled his eyes . Jungkook hugged him tightly and started crying .
Why are you crying kookie ?
I thought I lose you ...
You will never lose me kookie .. you are the sun in my world. I can't live without you kookie.

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