Finding jungkook

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Where the fuck are you jungkook .
I know I'm your teacher but you're so hot . I can't help myself. I really can't jungkook . Where are you . Taehyung whispered to himself . he tried to look for him all over the school but he can't find him . he was so exhausted , he sat on the stairs in front of the school and talking to himself. I'm sorry jungkook I can't find you . I'm trying so hard to stay away from you but I can't .. you're the hottest boy I've ever seen jungkook . I'm sorry for the morning but I was too horny . Please forgive me , I've never want you to feel uncomfortable . Taehyung talking to himself for few minutes then he saw jungkook enter the school . He took a deep breath and ran to him .
Hey jungkook !
Jungkook turn around to taehyung and stuck out his tongue . Oh fuck bunny . Taehyung whispered to himself.
Please stop running jungkook I need to talk to you please.
Okey sir or should I call you daddy . Jungkook teased taehyung.
Taehyung feel something in his pants and start panicking. Jungkook please this is too much .
I just want  apologise to you okey ? I don't want something from you. Can we just go to my office and talk about the morning?
Okey sir , no problem.
Taehyung and jungkook went to the office .
Jungkook sit on the red couch and taehyung on his black chair . Nice office sir. Jungkook smirked at taehyung. Thanks .

- this is how the office looks -   You have lot of money huh ? No other teacher has such a nice and big office

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- this is how the office looks -  
You have lot of money huh ? No other teacher has such a nice and big office .
Jungkook I want to tell you something..
Okey sir then tell me . Jungkook stand up and  walked slowly closer to taehyung .
Um you know what happened in the morning  .. im sorry jungkook , I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable . Taehyung said and  watched  jungkook  how he approached him slowly . Jungkook rested his hands on the table so that he had a taehyunga between his shoulders . It's okey sir , no one said I feel uncomfortable . Jungkook said and touch his thing . Oh jungkook what are you doing?  You don't like it sir ? He touch both of his thighs and stroked them up and down . He look at his eyes and said . Why everyone's think that I'm a virgin? What if I'm not . Taehyung look at him confused . I don't care if you are or not , I'm always top anyway. Taehyung said and smirked at him . Jungkook placed  his hands  on taehyung's inner thigh. His thumps touching his thing . Jungkook look into his eyes and squeeze his thighs . Umh fuck bunny . Taehyung said and squeeze his arm . You like it huh ? Jungkook smirked. You're not top today baby .

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