Chapter 25 - Hero & Jo

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She was in trouble and I'm glad I saw her in a crowd.

As angry as she may be with the world, I would never leave her in a difficult situation.
That guy was on top of her and she looked really annoyed.

Then I don't know what happened but I held her close to me.
 I needed it, it will go as it goes, I needed it terribly.
A simple contact was enough to breathe again.
For a moment all thoughts and moods disappeared and it seemed to me that I was alone with her in the room.

I wanted to kiss her but it didn't seem the case. 

I don't know what kind of relationship he is with the talkative boy and I don't like being a third wheel.

But I have to talk to her, I can't put it off indefinitely and I asked her to come out with me.

On the side of the room there is an outdoor swimming pool with a fairly large porch.
At least we will be able to hear each other.
This music is too deafening.
We go out holding hands again.
I don't know whether to leave her or not, but she maintains contact and doesn't seem willing to leave mine.
It takes a while before we can hear again, without the ears ringing annoyingly.

"Everything is OK?" I ask

I had already asked her but using only gestures.
I want to be sure.
"Yes ... and thanks, again!"
I smile at her and lean on the balustrade that divides the porch from the pool area.

I watch some kids dive in and laugh out loud.

"You saved me twice tonight!" She imitates me by leaning against the balustrade too, but with her back ...

"Twice? When?"  I don't honestly remember ... What was I going to save her from?

"In the car ... You saved me from Jake!" She rolls her eyes in exasperation "don't give me respite!"

I remain silent.
I don't know how to take this information.
She sighs and turns to me.

We stay there for a while, saying nothing, watching the boys in the pool.

"Hey, nice ass!" Someone yells behind us.

We turn around at the same time.



A boy staggers in our direction and points to my dress.

I look down and only now I realize that it has risen a little too much on the legs, but the fact that it is half wet does not help.
It remains firmly stuck on the thighs without it being able to do much.

"Go away! Don't you dare look at her ass, you idiot!" Hero exclaims surprising me

"Hey calm friend, it was just a compliment! I'm leaving!"

"And we are at 3 ..." I exclaim amused


"With this you saved me three times" He smiles looking down

"Do not mention it..."

"Anyway, that boy is right, you can practically see my butt!"

He watches me and I immediately turn tomato red.

"... the dress ... I mean that guy spilled my drink and now I'm all sticky!"

"Strawberry scents, actually," he laughs.

How good it is to see those fantastic dimples on her cheeks.
I hadn't seen them for a few hours and I already missed them!

I look at my dress and try to pull it down ...

"Come here ..." He holds out his hand to me
I take it and pulls me towards him, putting my back to the balustrade, covering me from the sight of the others.

He keeps smiling.

"So nobody will see you ... Or they will have to contend with me"

"So we're at 4 ... Four times thanks" I smile at him reflexively

"I'm a gentleman..."

"I know ... Luckily you are there!"

A strange atmosphere is created again, full of tension ...

"Hero I ..."

"You send me into confusion ..." He exclaims interrupting me

"What?" I do not understand

"Yes ... I won't go around it, Jo! That boy, that Jake ... I saw you kissing! But now your behavior confuses me ..."

Suddenly I understand the reason for his nervousness and I would like to laugh from the release because nothing has happened as he imagines, but I avoid and look for the words to explain myself.

I throw my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me.

"Nothing happened that you think ... Yes, it is true that he kissed me but only because it was unfair! He took advantage of the situation at a time when my eyes were closed! I actually had an eyelash in one eye and he should have helped me to remove it ... "

He remains silent looking at me.

Hours seem to pass, not seconds ...

His eyes land on my lips and he runs his tongue over hers as he always does when he would like to do something, but he doesn't know if he can do it ...

I look around.
There is nobody.

"I know what you're thinking ..." I smile at him "There is no one ... we can ..." I don't finish the sentence because it pounces on my mouth in a passionate kiss.

His hands grab my hips and push me towards him then wander over my back in a hug.
My lips part and his tongue meets mine in a frenzied dance.

"Let's get away from here ... I can't kiss you as I would like ... I can't do anything I want ..." He whispers on my lips

We both smile as we catch our breath

"Bold Mr. Tiffin! And what exactly would you like to do? Let's hear ..." I challenge him

"Tomorrow morning we are free ... Will you stay and sleep with me?"
A new sparkle illuminates his gaze.

My heart beats very fast with emotion and I can't help but give him another kiss on the lips.

"Of course I'll stay with you! But I doubt we can go now, they're all here ... They would notice our absence ..."

"Who cares! I want to be alone with you, today I missed you too much ..." He hugs me

"Then we go!"I take him by the hand and we go back inside the club.

How can I tell him no?

How can I tell him no?

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