Chapter 32 - Josephine

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Breathe Jo.

A deep breath.

This scene, simple and mundane on paper, is turning out to be more intense than expected.

Anna had told us that this is a moment in which the two protagonists get very close and understand that they would like to go beyond kisses ...

Surely Tessa is thinking that right now ...

And maybe me too, but I'll never admit it !!!

The fact is that they also said that we just had to show a little affinity, the rest would take care of the editing at a later time.

The script was divided into:
• Spoken scene,
• Kissing scene,
• Scene with Tessa's Mom discovering her daughter with Hardin.

× Stop. ×

The dialogue between me and Hero was like 3 lines ... Nothing more!

"Rest assured, it will be a quick scene, we will interrupt you when each piece ends" the director told us.
Instead, so far no one has stopped us "immediately".

Hero looks at me as if he wants to eat me, literally.
He doesn't let go of my eyes even for a moment and I feel enraptured by him in a way I never thought possible.
And strangely it doesn't bother me at all, on the contrary ...
I have to admit he is really good!
He underestimate his self too much!
He really seems to like me so much ...
I mean... I meant Tessa of course, not me !!!
Not me as Josephine ...Ohhh enough, it's understood right?
I know, it's Hardin right now and he's looking at Tessa, not me ...
We have known each other for so little that he could see almost nothing of who I really am.
But the fact that I look a lot like Tessa, while it is an advantage for me, it's also a difficulty because I see a fire in his eyes that sends me to the mental hospital.

"Jo... are you there?" He asks me

"Yes ... sorry I was distracted! Let's continue!"

I've been sitting on him for quite a while.
Not that I'm sorry and strangely it's not even embarrassing, but I'm starting to not feel my legs anymore.

"Ciak! Action!"

I put my hands on the button of his jeans as I keep looking him in the eye.
They are two kinds of magnets.
I remove the button and pull down the zip a little, then stop.
I feel him holding his breath, he stands still and looks at me.
I touch the tattoo at the base of his belly again and he reflexively runs his hands over my thighs, slowly ...
I get chills everywhere and I hope they don't show too much from the shoot.
He keeps his eyes on me and I'd like to tell him to stop because I'm out of breath, but we're not Jo and Hero, we're acting and Tessa would be fine with that ...
He gets up and comes close to my mouth, he stops and for a moment our breaths merge ...
This situation is terribly sexy, in spite of the scenes to be built.
For now, no one has stopped us and we continue as if we were lost in our world.
Tessa kisses Hardin like she's ready to go one step further and he lets her do it, just as I, Josephine, kiss Hero ready to tell him that we could never be friends.
This is now clear, although I will continue to make him believe it.
I know, I'll keep it to myself, but this feeling warms my heart.
I had never tried it before and I suspect I have empathized too much with the character.
When we're done shooting, we probably won't even like each other anymore ...
It happens to actors to fall in love during these films, I had put that into account and Anna had warned us ...
The strange thing is that I like blond guys ...
I stroke his dark hair, putting a hand behind his neck ...... fit and physically really different from Hero ...
I brush his pectorals and back in a whisper ...And yet ... I don't know what exactly this guy has!
But it will be a natural consequence of the script we are following ...
I realize only now that I have looked him in the eye all this time, almost without breathing, continuing to touch and touch him.
A door suddenly opens making an unexpected noise!
Selma, that is Tessa's mother, falls into the room screaming.

"Ehhhh stooop!"

We wake up from the enchantment.
I turn to Anna asking her opinion with my eyes.
She nods enthusiastically without saying anything as she wipes her eyes.
Did she even cry?
It is good to see that your work is appreciated so much.

"You will have to help me down because I don't feel my legs anymore ..." I look at Hero laughing and trying to dampen the air in this room.
He smiles without saying anything and puts his hands on my hips.
I don't have to think that he is no longer Hardin.
I don't have to think he's doing it of his own accord.
Don't think Jo !!!
Stop immediately and banish any thoughts that are going through your head.
But his hands ... Oh my God his hands ..

"I'll help you ..." He says interrupting my thoughts, when he sees that I don't move at all

"I would help you by moving my pelvis ... But it doesn't seem the case!" He adds

We just need that! Then they hospitalize me somewhere !!! I nod with conviction.
Let me escape from this situation!

It's hot in here, will they have turned on the heat? We are in July !!!

I get up and feel all my legs tingle! I sit back up on the bed and start massaging them, while Hero does the same thing with hers.

"They went numb to me too!" He exclaims

"Do you mean I'm heavy ...?" I look at him badly

"Well after an hour whoever I would say becomes one," he gives me a light playful nudge

"You might be right ..." I smile

He laughs and jokes, he's no longer in character and I don't know if I feel so different towards him.

"You keep staring at me ... Are you okay?" He asks

Here, I did it again ... This time out of the scene we were shooting but ...

"Yes, I'm tired ... Are you coming for something to eat? We're done for now ..."

Didn't want to be alone three seconds ago ???

"If you get dressed, I'll come wherever you want ..." He looks at my legs smiling.

"Fool! I certainly won't go out without pants !!!" I pat him on the shoulder

"You ... you haven't ... that is ... You haven't ..." He stammers in surprise

"I don't have pants ... What did you think?"

It turns red suddenly.

"And what is it you were supposed to tell me before?"I ask

"Oh nothing ... Really!" He hastily exclaims
"Uh ... let's go out ???"
And he walks towards the wings ...

What a strange behavior ...


Who knows why Hero is nervous ...

Se you Soon


AFTER all this time - Herophine (English version)Where stories live. Discover now