chapter 2

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(jacob's p.o.v.)

"send" there i go i finally sended Hanna a friend request, she probably won't even answer it since she doesn't know me. I remeber seeing her laying down at the ground, seeing the blood coming out of her body and it scared me to think someone could do that to her. I moved to Manhatten when i was 6 and i've been going to the same school as Hanna did i also went to the same highschool but i'm not that populair in school. Hardly 1 person knows me but that's all because i'm too shy to actually talk or show i'm actually there. I put my laptop away and get rid of the thoughts about Hanna laying there at the ground. I've been trying so hard to get it out of my head but i just can't, the way she looked at me when i picked her up she was so scared and 1 minute later she just blacked out and when the ambulance got there all i could do was just give her to the nurses from the ambulance and go home. I know i should've probably go with her to the hospital but i was too scared to go, she doesn't know me and she would probably think i'm a nerd or something. She wouldn't like me and i know that for sure.

After dinner i go upstairs to look if she already have seen my friendship request to her but i doubt it. But than i see the sentence "Hanna Montario accepted your friendship request". I hear my heart skipping beats and i go to her profile, i see she's doing okay. Today when i walked pass her and saw her sitting there i didn't know what to do, she didn't even look up to see who was coming by but i guess no one does that for me since no one knows me. I didn't know how fast i could walk pass her and i walked into the first street i saw. I hate being so anxious i literally panic about everything and i just hate it.


When i woke up this morning i immediately checked facebook to see if Hanna sended me anything but she didn't. sitting at the kitchen table with my breakfast i'm just listening to my parents who are talking to eachother about the vacation that's coming in about 2 months. I can't wait to hear where we're going. Money's never been a real problem here since my dad plays music alot and goes on tour every year at least once and my mom is the head of a big store that's literally everywhere in the country. When i turn the tv on to watch the news i just don't listen until i hear the words "breaking news" and i listen carefully to it. I'm in shock, the same thing happened to this girl as what happened to Hanna, well at least i think it does. I wasn't there when everything happened but i found Hanna completely scared and alone. I'll just shook the thoughts out of my head and grap my back to go to school, bye mom bye dad i shout and they both say bye back to me.

When i arrive at my school i see all the groups standing there and talking, they don't even look up for me anymore. Usually they would turn around and turn back to gossip about how quiet i was but i don't really care, they don't know me. When i walk pass the group of Hanna she looks up and smiles at me, i wonder if she recognized me from facebook but why would she? she probably thought i was someone else.

I'm just hoping this day will go by fast so i can go home.


Thank you so much for reading, i know this is a short chapter but i just wanted to kinda introduce jacob in this story. i'm not using the way jacob is with his behaviour in reality but that's why this is a story. i will be posting a chapter every wednesday and sunday so follow my twitter @ariixbieber to keep updated about it! please comment what you think about the story till now and tell me if you added it to your library because that would be really awesome!

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