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Pic of Melody above ^^

Melody's POV:

I clap my hands to get everyone's attention.

"Ok! I'm sure every one of you here came here hoping that today will finally be the day you would be a member of the Covey High cheerleading team right? Well, I've got news for you, each person only gets one chance to impress me. We've got just five spots left in the team, which means only five of you get to join the team. I told you to practice a simple routine to perform for me today. Like I said before, you only have one chance to do it right. If you make even just one mistake or misstep, you can forget about your dream. Got it! Let's get started!"

We are currently in the school gym and today is tryouts day. We are looking to recruit more members for our team and the Coach has put me in charge of it.

Actually, as the cheer captain, I'm in charge of mostly everything that happens in the team. Coach Janelle ( we usually call her Coach J for short) rarely supervises.

I get seated on the folding chair and table provided for me. I take a sip from my drink, then I gesture for the music to be turned on and the first girl starts to perform.

It's been an hour now and out of the twenty-five girls on the list, only two that I feel might make the team. I sent more than half away telling them to never come back. I can't believe they came here thinking they would be a cheerleader. The last girl could not even do a cartwheel! Only seven girls remained and out of those seven, only five will be chosen.

The last girl has just finished her performance and I look around to see if there are more. Zoey leans in,

"I think there's one more left"

I look around again, "But there is no one else here. Every girl here has already performed"

"I know but there's one more girl on this list", Zoey shows me the paper.

I take the paper from her hand.

"Did she forget she has tryouts today?! Or does she think this is a joke!"

I read out the name, "Kelly Simpson"

"That would be me"

I look up to see a brunette girl smiling down at me. She doesn't look familiar, but then again, I don't remember a lot of faces in this school. I couldn't remember what the girl whose locker is beside mine looked like. And we see each other every day.

I stand up with my hands crossed, "You're late"

"I'm sorry. I'm new so it took me a while to find this place"

I roll my eyes, "Well, tryouts are over. So try again year"

I start packing up, ready to leave.

"Are you sure?", this time she crosses her arms

" I'm going to be a huge asset to this team. I was a cheerleader in my previous school in New York and I even participated in a national cheerleading competition".

Some of the girls gasp. Their eyes widen in amazement as they whisper amongst themselves. I guess the "New York" part got them.

"You're actually from New York?",  Jennie, one of the members asks.

I roll my eyes again, " I don't care where you're from. I'm the captain here and what I say is what happens!"

"Now now Melody, you should give her a chance."

Everyone turns around to see Coach J in her usual red tracksuit.


"I know, she's late but we need more members. And if she says she's good then let's give her a chance to prove it"

She turns to Kelly, "Don't be late again. Let's see what you've got"

Kelly thanks the coach and the music starts to play. She starts routine but I realize she is doing more complicated moves.

Ally whispers, "She's really good"

After her performance everyone except me applauds.

Coach J nods in approval, "That was good Kelly. Guess you're not just 'all talk' I see"

She turns to address other girls.

"Thank you girls for your time. I'm sure you all gave this your best but there's room for just five of you. We will be announcing the five who pass, so make sure to be here same time tomorrow. You can all leave now"

Everyone gathers their things and starts to leave. Some girls flock around Kelly, bombarding her with questions. Kelly seems to be enjoying this she stands with her hands on her hips like a celebrity being interviewed on the red carpet.

Zoey nudges me, "I think you have competition"

"Yeah", Ally says while also looking at Kelly.

I scoff, "She's good, I'll give her that. But no one is better than me"

I flip my hair over my shoulder.

Ally doesn't tear her eyes from Kelly, "I wonder if she's ever been to any fashion shows. What skincare products does she use? Her skin is glowing! Do you know what part of New York she lived in? Maybe I should go and ask her"

"Allie", I say with a warning tone and a face that says 'do it I dare you'.

Allie gets the hint and immediately apologizes. I look at Kelly one more time as we leave. Whoever she is, she better know her place or else I won't hesitate to put her where she belongs!

A/N: So... What do you guys think?

Thoughts on Kelly?

If you wanna see more, give me a thumbs up on the comments 👍

Random Question of the day: If you were a makeup product, which would you be? I think I'll be the blush 😊

Don't forget to like, comment and follow. Ilysm 😘❤❤

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