Tick... Tick... Tick...

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     It wouldn't stop. Tick... Tick... Tick... It seemed as if holding onto this hourglass made everything so clear. So loud. You could no longer hear the birds and everything seemed dull. The only thing that made sense to do was to take this strange hourglass back to your house. With every step you heard a tick. You began to hear faint music along with the never ending ticking, a song that you're all too familiar with. Turncoat - Micheal Rothery was playing ever so softly. This is when you knew that you must have been going crazy. You never had an insane imagination like this before but surely this was not real. It's all in your head!

    Finally getting home and unlocking the door to go inside, awaiting is the lit up hallway and the T.V still spiralling away. The ticking had grown louder since leaving, and now every room you went to, you could hear it. Making your way into the living room and sitting down on the couch, placing the hourglass onto the coffee table. Looking at it, a slight change was happening to it. The spirals on both ends had started swirling. At this point it was safe to assume you were either crazy as Unus Annus once was, or living in some paranormal event. Either one of those seemed too far-fetched to believe. All of a sudden, the ticking stopped... dead silence... The T.V returned to normal and the radio began playing. Most importantly, the spirals on the hourglass stopped. There was a change that didn't go unnoticed. The hourglass engraved inscription now had an extra line of text. It now read "Unum Annum, The Ticking will never stop". That only worried you extremely as the ticking literally stopped a few seconds prior.

     It was now 7am and it just seemed like a regular day. By this time you check your phone to realize, you had missed 2 messages. One from your friend as they always say good morning, the other said unknown number. Being intrigued after all that had just happened, you open the message to find an attachment. Nervously clicking on the attached photo, it turns out it was nothing but a wrong number that sent a funny cat meme. (The one of the coughing cat saying the words "me pretending I'm too sick to work")  False alarm, no panic. It was just a wrong number, not another crazy unforeseen event to question your sanity.

   The next few hours passed normal just like any other day would. You did some errands, got some lunch from your favourite local restaurant. It was a good day with no more unusual objects or sounds. Getting home around 3pm you were tired and decided it was time to take a quick nap. It had been a much earlier wake up call than a normal morning and decided it was best to catch a few extra z's . Laying out some blankets, lying down onto the couch, it's as if all problems were going to go away. Turning the T.V to play the newest season of your new favourite show helped you doze off.

    It was now 5pm and something woke you up. It was most definitely not a good time to wake up. The T.V was no longer playing your favourite show. It was a Spiral. The hall light that had been on this entire time was oddly now off. The ticking was back but not in the living room. It sounded like it was coming from the end of the hall. At this rate, aside from the fear within, you needed to figure out what was happening. Getting off the couch, creeping slowly over and peaking your head into the hallway. The hallway looked different. It was because at the end of the hall, a closet door was open a crack. It was never opened in the past few days. To heighten the disturbance, the closet had lights coming from inside, pulsating .Having no other clear options, you walked towards the closet at the end of the hall, with the ticking growing louder. You grab the handle and peek around the closet door to see a spiral. In the closet of all places!? A chant coming from the closet sounded similar to what a channel once did. But instead it said "Unum Annum! Unum Annum!". Remembering from the jokes about a continuation of the channel that Unum Annum meant "one more year". What could this mean? The ticking? The spiral in the closet? Was this too good to be true?

    Then, there was a rattle back in the living room you proceeded to go investigate. Slamming the closet door shut in fear of something leaping out of it like in some horror movie, the ticking became muffled in the closet. At least it was contained to your knowledge. Peaking back into the living room, your eyes went wide. What you were about to see next would be something you would have never been prepared for.

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