The Right Door (option 2)

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Right is right? Right? Well, it was decided. Touching the right door, the left door crumbled into dust beside you. Whatever was behind that door was now forever a mystery, never to be solved. The door handle was cool to the touch. It gave you a strange feeling, worried about what was awaiting you ahead.Turning the door handle, opening it fully, revealed to a deck on board of a ship. It was night time with an overwhelming amount of fog. It appeared as if it was some sort of ghost ship. There was no one around and the only sounds were the brisk wind and the waves. Stepping out of the door it disappeared behind you. There was no longer a way to turn back, and nowhere to run. (A ship in the middle of a body of water doesn't have much options.) it wasn't a very large boat, just about an average sized commercial fishing boat. Enough to get slightly turned around on losing your way. It had a way down to the barracks of the boat and an above deck where the helm stood.

Walking up the stairs to the above deck, it was nothing but the sound of waves and creaks of floorboards beneath. There was a door to go into the control area of the ship but upon inspection was closed and locked with a 6 letter lock. There wasn't much else to explore upon on the top deck so down to the barracks you went.Walking down the steps moving side to side because of the movement of the boat, a picture hanging on the wall was knocked over. Picking up the frame, something appeared to be a bit strange. "Two tailed creature spotting in Pacific Ocean, Californians biggest craze." There was also a photo alongside it that was a few scales, Iridescent in colour. Continuing on to the bottom of the stairs led to a hallway with 6 doors. (Most likely used for sleeping quarters and supplies.) One by one, you investigated the rooms. The first room was a simple sleeping area. It had some beds, trunks and a desk in the corner. The beds were kept clean and the trunks only had basic items in them. Going over to the desk was a book. On the cover it said "1-M" . The pages inside were most blank, and the ones with writing were just a snooze fest. With nothing else in the room, it was time to proceed to the next.

It was another sleeping area, mapped out like the last. This room however, was a mess! Trash upon the floor, sheets ripped off the bed and the desk was cleared off. Who's knows if there was a particular reason for this. Glancing over to the one bed, there was another book. It was the exact same make of book except on this one, it said "3-R" . Without wanting to look through trash, you headed towards the next room.

The next room was none other than a very tiny supply closet. It had basic things such as toiletries and things like canned food. The top shelf was filled with books, including an entire world encyclopedia collection. Between two of those books was a very familiar looking book. Reaching up to grab the book, you pulled it from the shelf and take a look at it. It had "5-E" on the front. Before you leave there was a bag of takis, so you grabbed them. (Remember your last bag went to the Neanderthal man who ever so loves the taki dust. Only the taki dust.)

The fourth room was a maintenance and equipment room. All fishing tackle, lures and nets were stored in this room, alongside a control panel. On the far wall was a display of a few kinds of fish along with a book. The book looked like the others you had found except the cover said "fishing guide" . Upon further inspection a peice of the label was peeling. Peeling it back revealed another number & letter. "6-R"

    The fifth and six room was a conjoined room that had a door entrance on each side. It was a large room that appeared to be used as a mapping room. There was a large table in the middle with mapping quadrants with x's on multiple places. At the top of the table was a beveled display. It had six rectangular shaped slots. Two were filled. The second slot had a book labeled "2-E" and the fourth slot had one called "4-M". With two books in their place and you just so happening to have four other identical books, it was obvious of what it was for. Gathering the remaining books and placing them in their respective order, spelled out something with the letters. "MERMER". Well this was a name you hadn't heard of in a while. It appeared that the map was not just for any old fishing boat, it was for tracking down the illusive Mermer. Most places on the map looked to be dead ends. No leads to where it may be. Looking in the books that were in the room one looked to be a captains log. Glancing through it, explained that the crew had kept hearing noises or a particular song of the Mermer and followed its direction. Every time they did though, they ended up running into nothing but empty waters. Thinking back to the note Unus and Annus left, you remembered that it said about not listening to them. There was always a myth about mermaids singing and following would bring you to a demise. The Mermer was technically a part of the mermaids. Maybe the noise and songs it made was made to not follow. What if it meant to go the opposite way and not listen to the "guard" like the note said. Then a sound was heard coming from the outside.

Running back upstairs, the fog had only set in worse and it was near impossible to see anything. Sounds were persistent coming from the left but with all the fog it was impossible to make anything out. Going with the mermaid myth, you decided to steer away from the noises hoping that was the key to success. Going up the stairs to the top deck of the room of the helm that was locked, you put in the code, MERMER. It unlocked. Going in, you grab the helm and make way to the right. The sounds were now coming from the right so to the left the boat went. All was going well, until the sound was in front of the boat. It was near impossible to just 180 the boat so you did the only reasonable thing. POP ER IN REVERSE! The entire boat shook and the engine got loud. It stalled. The sounds were still in front of the boat, so with no idea how to fix an engine you decide to walk to the towards it. The fog was easing up and ahead was a small body of land. It had a small beach some rocky sections and a pond in the middle. The boat tapped the edge of the beach and you proceeded to go ashore. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary until there came a splash sound from the pond. Walking over to it there was a not one, but two tails. It was the MERMER. You found it! "I see you found your way here." The voice said behind you. " it's funny how many forget that mermaids song always lead to disaster. It didn't fool you though. And don't worry The Mermer is actually really friendly. Just please don't touch its nips." Unus started laughing uncontrollably while Annus maintained a straight face.

     While admiring the colourful tails of the Mermer, Unus and Annus explained their findings and their plan to stop redacted. "There's unfortunately not much me and Annus can do in this situation, but we tried our best to figure a way to support you as best as possible. We know you have the hourglass and the dimensional container. Both will play a huge role in your success. The Timer and REDACTED are much too powerful in our dimension to fight, but bringing them to yours is much worse. There needs to be a common ground area that you would have the advantage."

"We have a very specific place in mind, one you know all too well... There's a hidden place inside our dimension called "the spiral staircase". It is a room that contains a never ending staircase that has a spiral in every direction. Its purpose is for keeping someone there for eternity, for a non human entity that is. It was made in a way that a human can go on and off anytime they please, along with leaving the place. And the more stairs that are climbed only affects an entity. For you, it would be equivalent to tripping backwards from the ground, meanwhile it'd be 10 stories for an entity. The only problem we have is we don't know how to get there... it's only ever been talked about."

"That's where you come in! You got some blueprints explaining the hourglass right? Looking into it more thoroughly, I found something that might just help. It was in a code that only an entity such as I could read."

- to the holder of the hourglass. Time will stand still. At the channel's ending hour, place the two well known flowers. Use the hourglass the way it shows and it will show and Erie glow. Follow the glow until it's bright, there awaits the staircase in sight.

    "To go back to your dimension, just head to the other side of this island. It's only about a minute walk. There will be a door leading back there for you. If you ever get stuck, dont be afraid to use this. It's a spiral amulet. If you throw it upon the ground we will appear there through the power of time. But I warn you, it can only be used once. Please be careful. Those spiral stones you have been carrying along for a while finally had a use. Holding them close to the amulet, it absorbed the stone and made it glow even brighter. " You put it around your neck for safe keeping. You hug Unus & Annus and go on your way to the door. With the door in sight, you approach and place your hand on the door. Opening it back to your reality. Walking over to the table where your friend is sitting waiting, you set down the hourglass and the amulet. "Ready to go find a spiral staircase with an hourglass?"

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