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It was time to back to the cells for the night. Everything was beginning to be set in place. The only issue now was to find a way out of the IDBC and retrieve the tears as Annus hinted towards. How could this be done though? There was no way of walking out of your cell and surely they wouldn't let you go. Maybe the Warden could help. After all, they despised REDACTED so it would work in your favour. No... that wasn't it. She would never let you out. While pondering at the table in your cell N calls towards you. "Hey! tomorrow, see LIVIL before the end of recreation time. Leave the rest to me. Okay, I promise you'll be Outta here, just gotta trust me." Nodding your head the agreement is made the lights go out. It's time for sleep, after all tomorrow will be the make or break on saving Unus Annus's life.

    Waking up, the cells were open already. This was peculiar as they usually wouldn't open for another hour. Looking in the next cell area, N was gone. In fact, everyone was gone. A voice is head from behind you. "I know what you're planning. I am the warden for a reason you know. I'll fill you in. They've decided to revamp the system here and decided to relocate level 4 to other floors for the time being. Unfortunately we don't have enough placement for all on the other floors. So some minor cases were pushed to another location. Some even happened to have their sentences cleared. As much as I'd love for you to stay here, we simply don't have the room.Plus you didn't really have that serious of a case other than a fight and avoiding that dummy."

"What? Where am I going then?"

"We'll REDACTED has no idea, but since I like you so much I'm letting you go early. But, there is one condition. As soon as you step foot out of here, I will notify REDACTED of your release. Wether or not they choose to track you down after that is up to them. It will then be up to you to figure out how you will save your friends. Like I said before, they have no reason in my mind to be detained. However I can not let them walk out of here, or leave floor 5 for that matter. Hopefully you have thought of everything already as your leaving here with no further contact. Come on now, let's go get your belongings."

Walking to the elevator with the warden you hear something quite faint. "Don't worry about us we'll be fine. Life's like a maze, bound to run into dead ends. We know we'll find the way in time though. Promise." It wasn't sure who it exactly was, but from the context it was Wilford or LIVIL, getting ahead to work. They knew what was waiting for them. As for how you could hear them was beyond understanding, but it was most likely something to do with Wilford and that long hug he gave. Walking into the elevator the door closes behind. Travelling up to level one took a quick minute. The doors opened up to a fully white room with a single desk and a door behind it.

   "This door in front of us will take you back to your realm. All of your belongings also are sitting on the desk. Take however much time you need in this room before you leave. Once you leave here you can't return. Believe it or not the IDBC has a protocol for if you return, permitted or not. I advise you to never come back if you value your life. Good luck I must leave now. Stupid protocols also prohibit me from seeing what's beyond the door. Remember me okay. Warden T just might come in handy form something." The warden laughs with a happy smirk on their face, turns and walks into the elevator. It's just you and the way home now. Gathering the items on the table you find a watch with a timer. A note was attached. "A countdown for you" it had a timer going down that happened to coincide with the agreed time with LIVIL.You begin walking towards the door. Placing a hand on the handle and turning it, one last look around the room, you walk through the door bringing you out of your friends closet. Well this was most definitely unexpected. Why didn't it return to your house? This was the first time you ever came out of this door. Rushing back home, your friend is passed out on the couch. Throwing all the items on the floor you lunge onto your friend and awake them. "I'm sorry" you say as you grip the, tight.

"Did we win?" They asked.

"Not even close. But I have a plan. But it's gonna take a lot more than you think. I have less than one week to get what's needed."

"We'll let's get to-" Before they could finish the sentence you cover their mouth. "There is no way I'm letting you go back there. REDACTED is most likely aware of me and will chose to find me. Im not putting you in any danger. This is between me and them." You begin walking towards the closet. "As soon as I go in this door, lock it and toss the key under the door. Do you understand? As my friend do this for me."

"Fine but I expect to see you on the other side."

"Don't worry. You will. I promise."

Closing the door and locking it behind brings you to a familiar room. One that used to have doors and a portal, all now gone. The path to SCP-11325 was gone. With no other options, you do the first thing to come to mind. "OH GODDESS ANNUS PLEASE GRANT ME THE WAY BACK TO THE HOUSE WHERE SCP AMY RESTS UPON!" The room all of a sudden falls to complete pitch black emptiness. Then a flash appears in front of your eyes. A spiral portal. But something was off. It was ... glitching? With no other options and being presented this after speaking to Goddess Annus, one limb at a time you go into the portal.

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