The Portal

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    You decided to step into the portal. Walking through brought you to a house in the middle of nowhere. It had very little trees or grass except for one pond about 100 feet away to the right. To the left there was a rocky pass that from afar didn't look like much was there. It was about sunset, and you were running out of time in your investigation. Walking up to the house, the cracked gravel pathway could be heard beneath your feet. Approaching the porch the steps were broken and the banister was covered in moss. The windows were boarded up, and the roof had collapsed in some places. On the semi broken door, was attached a note "I will return at night like the rest of the creatures like." This wasn't at all a bit weird. You decide to investigate inside of the house just to be sure nothing was there. It showed no signs of really anything living inside. Sitting on a table was one thing that caught your eye, a book. It had a logo on it that was too dusty and old to make out, but you could read three letters on the front. S, C, P. (Secrets cooking practices ? Super creative process? Sane Caution & Prides? Honestly who knows, it was just some old book I guess). On the floor, there were also several lab coats. Most look ripped and dusty, some with paint on them. There wasn't much else in the house so you exited through the back. It was a screen door that had no screen, or a frame. (It looked like it would have been a great place for a screen door okay).

Walking behind the house there were two paths with a post in the middle. It said "Left - Heehoo's Pass, Right -The Gongoozlers Pond". There was no sense in waiting at the house as you had no idea what was returning, or if it really would. You pulled out a coin, heads - Heehoo pass, tails - Gongoozlers Pond. Flipping the coin in the air it falls and hits the ground, heads it is. Off to Heehoos Pass you went.

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