chapter 1:a peaceful night minus the villian

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Leaves crunch under heavy boots. It was late October night and Tommy just got off his shift at the bakery. He insisted Niki, his manager, that he would be the one to close up shop. Meaning he had to stay extra late, which in turn meant walking back to his flat in the dark cold night. He sighed, a puff of cold air pushing past his pale lips. Suddenly, his train of thought was broken by the sound of loud whimpering coming from the alleyway he was walking past. He shot his head in the direction of the dark abyss, nothing was able to be seen, as the lights from the city didn't reach far enough to see the alleyway. Being the curious person that Tommy is, he turned his flashlight on and crept into the dark abyss away from the calm street light-hued road. A squelching sound stopped him in his tracks. When he looked down he saw a trail of blood, it seemed to be leading further into the alley. He knew he would probably die, but Tommy couldn't help being curious. If there was blood there was a wound that the blood came from. He wormed his way down the narrow alley, an unsettling quiet filling the air, mixed with the potent stench of blood. Tommy's boots he'd been wearing must be completely covered in the dark red substance by now, which was going to be so hard to get out of the fabric. His flashlight suddenly shone upon a limp body. The body was covered in a dark brown trench coat, coated in blood. A beanie was covering knotted brown curly hair, as well as a bandanna covering the eyes of the man. This was Most definitely irrevocably Wilbur soot, a man that was incredibly dangerous and known for his powers. He can make explosions appear with his mind, as well as mind control. He was a part of a villain society known as the syndicate, otherwise known as the sleepy bois. This villain society consisted of the angel of death, the blood god, two vigilantes named Tubbo and Ender, and of course, the man that lay limp in front of him, but what confused Tommy was why he hadn't heard about him being in the area. Usually, the news would be swarming with information of villains that were rampaging his side of the city. Tommy could do the smart thing and report this to the police, but he wouldn't want to get on the bad side of the syndicate. He knew a citizen like him should stay out of this and walk away, but for some reason, Tommy couldn't leave him. Call it his moral compass, but if he left, the villain would surely die. Not even a dangerous villain like him deserved to die in this dirty alleyway infested with all kinds of mold and rats. He probably had a family, friends, even a lover that would miss him. So that's why, Tommy threw his backpack off his shoulder, crouching down next to the body, and pulling his trench coat up and out of the way to grab the hilt of his shirt, lifting it to see the damage of the wound. Tommy almost gagged at the smell of bitter blood that wafted as he lifted the shirt to reveal a gaping hole where his guts should be. He cringed in disgust but continued. You see, the boy had a gift, a gift he should have probably realized he had sooner with how fast every scrape and cut he's ever had healed. He only realized he could heal when his friend toby that he lived with currently, had cut his hand when trying to slice a pepper. Tommy immediately rushed to help the ram hybrid, reaching towards the wound with his hand to see the damage, only to have a red glow appear from the palms of his hands, the wound stitching itself back together in front of his eyes. So after that, he of course practiced his healing powers, because they were cool, and Tommy wanted to get good. Tommy had never healed something as big as this, so he wasn't sure what would happen. What exactly had this man been doing to inflict such a large wound? From what he could see, Tommy couldn't find a discarded blade or anything anywhere, so Wilbur probably hadn't pulled it out himself. Which is smart, you should never pull the thing that cut you out of the wound, especially when its deep. The blade is like a cork that can keep all the blood in before you get to a paramedic. So don't pull out the thing that stabbed you unless you wanna end up like Wilbur, okay kids?

Tommy peeled the shirt away from the wound, cringing when pieces of skin peeled away, looking to see if the man had woken up, but still, no movement from the pale-looking guy. Tommy gently pushed the wound together, a red glow enveloping his hands that worked on stitching the wound closed. After a few minutes, Tommy felt a light pounding he's never felt before while healing at the back of his head. His eyes began to sting as the pounding got worse. He just had to get the wound to stop bleeding, and then he could stop, he didn't have to heal it fully. He closed his eyes, trying hard to focus on healing the wound, but it was hard with the pounding that became unbearable in his head. He pulled back when it became incredibly hard to breathe, taking a moment to catch his breath as the pain in his head subsided. He opened his eyes to look at his work, smiling when he saw the wound had gotten smaller in size, and had stopped bleeding. Tiredness fell over the blonde, he shakily got up from where he was slumped and began teetering his way out the alleyway. Hopefully, no one had seen him heal the villain. But what he failed to notice was the twitching of the villain, followed by the lunge that sent Tommy staggering to the ground. He yelped out when he hit his head against the concrete, the man had grabbed his arm, bending it in a weird way that shot pain up Tommy's arm.

"OW! What the fuck, mate!" he grunted out as his head was pressed harshly against the concrete

"Who are you!?"


Word count:1083


Welp there we go, how was that ey?

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