chapter 12:wilby!

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Wilbur led Tommy and the two toddlers outside where technoblade and dream were currently going head to head in a battle, techno seemed to be winning, the voices taking over. You see, techno had millions of small voices in his head shouting at him to spill blood. That is how he gained the title of the blood god, he would always mutter under his breath before killing 'blood for the blood god'. Beside him, was the father, crow man himself, philza Minecraft. This had been the first time Tommy had officially met the two, which he wished had been under better circumstances. Wilbur quickly turned around, opening his mouth to speak.

"Tommy, you get yourself and those two kids to safety, me and the bois will deal with this..... problem" the way Wilbur said 'problem' sent shivers down the half hybrid boy's spine. He nodded swiftly, watching as Wilbur ran into the battlefield to help his companions. Tommy would've protested against not joining the fight, but he had to be responsible and put the children before his stubbornness. He was surprised at how mature he was acting, but brushed it off, running away from the fighting and into the forest. He would burrow his way into a hiding place somewhere. The faint sound of pained screams was heard in the distance as Tommy quickly scurried towards a large tree, placing the two kids down, before quickly burrowing his way underneath the tree, grabbing the kids and covering the hole holding them close in the tight space under the oak wood roots. Footsteps could be heard outside the door, causing Tommy to crawl away from the closed entrance. A tapping sounded as a familiar voice called out, causing Tommy's breath to hitch, clenching the small children closer to his chest, a tear sliding down his cheek. Suddenly, his eyes closed as he started remembering a time when he was in a similar position...

"Teagan~ come out and play with momma. She feels sorry for everything she did.'' Tommy hid in the closet, completely paralyzed in fear, why couldn't his mom just accept him. All he wanted was for her to love him, and call him by his real name. A couple of tears slipped past his long eyelashes, he watched as the shadow that stood outside the door disappeared. He wished his papa was here. He got home from school, not expecting his mom to be home, usually, she gets home really late, so usually he could slip back into his room unscathed. Unfortunately, Tommy had been unlucky that day, his mom was sitting drinking tequila, quite obviously drunk off her ass on the couch. He tried slipping past her, but she caught him.

"Where do you think you're going? Get back here teagan!" a tear of agony slipped past Tommy's eye. He backed up away from the woman he used to call mum.

"M-my name is not Teagan, it's Tommy!" a stutter came out of the frightened boy's mouth as he dodged the glass that once held the tequila, shattering against the wall behind Tommy. He ran off going into a random room where he hid in the closet. This is where his mom tried to find him but failed. Once he heard the grumbles slip away, becoming faint as his mother walked off, probably forgetting about what she was looking for. Thank god... Tommy got away unscathed that day.

Suddenly, the sound of a thud above them caused him to look up, slipping out of the nightmare of his past, Tommy gulped as he looked down at the boys in his arms.

"Tommy! Please come out, we killed Dream! You're safe, come back to me!" a familiar muffled, raspy, deep, and British voice spoke out above the ground. Tommy gently began to burrow out of the entrance, being careful of the now sleeping toddlers to not wake them from their slumber. Tommy peaked his head out of the hole, seeing a curly brunette standing in front of him a few feet away, stains of blood all over his clothes.

"Will!'' The now raccoon hybrid screeched as he lunged on all four paws into Wilbur, completely forgetting about the sleeping children in his arms who landed on the floor waking up immediately, and knocking the 6 foot 3 man off his feet. The piglin hybrid child squealed as he landed on the ground, shroud still sound asleep on top of him. Wilbur yelped as he placed his hands around the younger boy, startled by the collision.

"Took you guys fuckin long enough! Bloody hell will!" Tommy exclaimed as he shuffled off the brunette, quickly standing up on his hind legs, furry paws placed on his hips.

"You're a fuckin' furry now toms!" Wilbur barked a laugh, Tommy blabbering off and yelling swears at the beanie-wearing man as he sat up "sorry we took so long, it took techno a while to find your location, luckily, Dream was a dumbass and forgot to turn off your location, took us a bit to figure that out though." Tommy scoffed, rolling his eyes. Suddenly, a question popped into his head.

"Wait, how did you know Dream kidnapped me?" Suddenly Tommy remembered what dream had said when he captured him. "Oh shit, wait, Toby's a vigilante?" Wilbur laughed at Tommy responding to his question. Tommy was gonna have a talk with Toby when they got back. He had to know what else he was keeping from him.

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