Chapter 4 - Yes, Commander

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I went to knock on the door but it slid open, Trudgen standing on the other side with a smile.

"Hey! Oh," he noticed the bottles in my hands. "Are we celebrating something?" he asked as he stepped to the side for me to enter.

"Well, Lieutenant Jack got me a bottle of blossom wine for covering his ass a few weeks ago, and Captain Lance just gave me Corellian brandy for cleaning up the mess he made with his fighters before the Commander noticed. I don't drink alone," I said with a shrug. "And even if Kylo was on board, I seriously doubt he'd be very fun to party with," I laughed.

Cabinets slammed in the kitchen and I heard Cardo call out.

"What do you mean? Kylo is a party animal!" I laughed and followed his voice. He got a bunch of mix matched glasses out and I began filling them with brandy. I emptied the bottle into all 6 glasses—Vicrul must be with Kylo planetside. The men and I gathered around the table, Kuruk pulled out some cards.

By the time I finished my glass, I was feeling great, and having an amazing time. They cracked open a bottle of some less expensive liquor and I popped open the bottle of blossom wine.

"How are you so good at this?" asked Ushar, frustrated that I'd just won another hand.

I giggled a high pitched, drunk giggle, swaying a little in my seat.

"My dad taught me. And I spent a few months on Canto Bight. I made good money," I laughed again.

"You used the force to gamble? Oh, the Jedi would be so disappointed," Ushar said in mock distain.

"Oh yeah, because Rjea is so pure," said Ap. I smiled at him. The alcohol was loosening his tongue.

"Now, when I have I been impure?" I joked.

"Well, you have a thing for a dark lord, and you drink and gamble with his Knights. You force hold people and influence others' emotions, you threaten your subordinates," I interrupted Cardo.

"I do not threaten them! Sometimes they just need a little motivation." Kuruk roared with laughter, a loud, drunken laugh.

"Listen," Trudgen said. "You may be one of the most charismatic, nicest people I've ever met, but you're scary. I absolutely do not ever wish to piss you off, my lady." The way he'd said it, with his face trying to remain severe and neutral despite his drunken state, caused me to lose it, laughter ringing out.

We kept bickering back and forth, and I tried to throw insults at all of them. Unfortunately, it was five against one, and it was mostly another 10 minutes of them roasting me.

I was leaning against the table, crying from laughter, when the door slid open. The Knights stood up and bowed their heads at Kylo, Vicrul sneaking in behind him and disappearing down the hallway.

"Oh, there's our favorite dark lord," I said, feeling the way my eyes were slightly drooped. "Have you come to be defeated?"

"Er, she means in cards," said Ushar, trying to hide his smirk.

"They claim you're a party animal, but let's be honest," I said with a dramatic hand motion.

"You're drunk?" he asked, then removed his helmet. He wasn't smiling but he also wasn't angry. At least, I didn't think so. The force was as fuzzy as my mind.

"The Knights made me do it."



"She's the one who showed up with brandy!" Trudgen said, holding up the empty bottle.

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