Now we cry

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The once joyful fun trip had now turned into trip with everyone looking over their shoulders thinking the drake monster was gonna come out any time and attack an unsuspecting person and lord knows what it does with the person. It was hard for Ms Hernsby and the other 3 operators to keep the camp calm since one of the operators was already in panic mode and the camp didn't find any comfort in that. It took the operators at least 3 hours to go around and comfort each and every child. Ms Hernsby then climbed onto a rock with a wireless microphone in hand and shouted-

Ms Hernsby: "Listen up! Everything is going to be fine, we'll find Joe. But until then, to make it easier for all of us, please keep calm so we can sort this out and get Joe to camp okay. Please cooperate. Any questions?"

Some guy in the crowd raises their hand.

Ms Hernsby: "yes....brad?"

A Shout was heard in the midst of the crowd-
"Your name is brad you shouldn't even get to ask a question!"

Loud laughter ensued with faded screams of insults between brad and the other guy. The crowd had went bonkers once again. At this point Ms Hernsby was very frustrated and panicked with Joe and the crowd, this was her tipping point.

Ms Hernsby: "SHUT UP PLEASE" She screamed into the microphone.

The crowd went dead silent. Ms Hernsby sighed, glad that she could finally get a peace of mind, already so tired out from waking up so early. The events of the day had finally been catching up to her and from the looks of it, to the crowd as well. Everyone looked worn out, like they just wanted to go to their tents and sleep with their drake plushies. And you couldn't really blame them could you?

The camp went to have their breakfast around the campfire. Diane was not as panicked as before but was still extremely paranoid. The professors had to come up with a way to get Joe back without putting all the other children to danger. It was a very bizarre situation to be in.

The camp went around with their normal activities, almost as if the teachers were trying to make everything feel normal so they went along with their schedule while a few other professors tried to find Joe.

Night settled as the sun went down and the moon came up into the blue sky. The camp was on a hike up the mountain. Mt drake wasn't necessarily steep, it had a route built on it for hikers to explore and climb easily. The mountain had cavities with cavies never even discovered before, which is why the students were so previously excited, for the chances they might be the next newest biggest explorer with fame so high they don't have to worry about college fees anymore. Of course, one can only hope.

Mrs Hernsby was starting to notice the other children were getting worn out and it was getting pretty dark so they settled their camp in a cavity in the mountain near the path.

By 10:30, everyone in the camp was asleep, except O, he was still thinking about the Joe situation and what might've happened to him. Suddenly, the brave side of O's mind decides to go explore the mountain, he got up and grabbed his Drake flashlight and put on his shoes, he started walking but realised that going alone probably isn't the smartest decision. So he went back to his tent and woke up D.

(O's Drake flashlight)

D: "ugh what's wrong just let me sleep"

O: "just wake up please I can't go alone"

Hearing this D woke up in a start.

D: "where are you going? How late is it?"

O: "it's around 11:15 and I'm going exploring around the maintain to find Joe."

D: "you can't do that, it's so late."

O: "do you want to find Joe or not?"

D: "ugh fine I'll come but don't make me do anything I don't want to do" D says in a threatening voice

O: "deal. Now come it quick and get ready."

Once D was ready, O and D head out for their exploration. Around 15 minutes of going about and exploring cavities, caves even, D broke the silence.

D: "are we friends now?"

O looked at him, confusion embedded in his face.

D: "You treated me like a nothing, bullied me whenever you met me, and now we're just going to skip past that and dilly dally as if nothing happened? I forgive you, but I want to know why you just hate me so much."

O sighs, and D can picture the gears turning in his head, trying to out words together as to how to explain the situation.

O: "well, it's just that....the feud begin back when we were kids, probably 15 year olds..."

O looked off into the distance, like he was the main character from a movie after beating the villain. D didn't push O to tell him faster, he let him go at his own pace which O appreciated.


O: "ok jeez just don't scream you'll wake up the camp."

D nodded, curiosity building up in him by the second.

O: "when we were 15 you went to your first drake concert."

D: "yes and...?"

O: "well remember your promise?"

D: "no I don't..."


D looked at O astounded. He felt so guilty he had to look away. There was a pin drop silence for a few seconds until O talked.

O: "well you didn't keep your promise. I felt so betrayed that I just didn't feel like being the same nice person to you. The hate grew so much more when we grew. But I realised there's no point in keeping this up. It's been so long and I have to move on."

D: "well, I'm really sorry, I can't believe I did that. And I'm glad we could work this out now and get it out of the clear. Thanks for telling me. But we're friends now right? I miss the old us"

O: "yeah we're friends now" O said with a smile

D smiled back and they walked in ahead. 5 minutes after their conversation D stopped O with his hand and gesture to a cave nearby.

D: "do you hear that? I hear something"

O: "yeah I's a drake song."

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