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Pride is my mask
Behind it I hide
Afraid to seek help
My problems denied

Hiding on the inside
of my pride
Behind my mask, I hide it all
I can't fall , I'm standing tall

I am strong
I am not weak
I don't need the help
That I won't seek

I bleed through my mask
But you don't see
This mask of pride,
that adorns me

I can't be a failure
I can't let you see
I don't want your judgement
It's my bad quality

Until I fade away
And that mask begins to melt
Straight from off my face
Revealing me and all my hell

Hiding inside, I am not free
Time to throw away
My mask of pride
And let you see, the real me

© Janelle Erin Elizabeth Peters all rights reserved 2020 picture found on Pinterest

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