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Is your life adding a meaning to someone else's life?

Every life can create a difference. Whether this impact is positive or negative depends upon how we choose to live our lives.

A true life never ends. It has power to influence both in their presence and absence. A life led with kindness and compassion leaves a legacy of inspiration and can become a positive influence and bring a positive

Be truthful, kind and compassionate. We all will leave a trace in this world, let that be an inspiration for the generations to come.

#inspiration #compassion #meaningful #live #leave #with #hope #abetterworld #motivation #positivevibes
If you must walk your path alone for a while do it.
Don't abandon yourself for the sake of someone else.
You never have to fight or chase someone for their love and acceptance for you.

Never settle for less than the life that you deeply desire for yourself.
Leave them be, wish them well, and trust that “your people” will find you. 💙

Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life
Don't be disheartened towards yourself if you see people around you who have already achieved their dreams. Your day and moment will come, too. But as you wait for it to happen, make sure you are also doing your part in reaching it. Waiting for it doesn't only mean you will rely everything on fate; you also need to do something to finally have it. The smallest of efforts will do, so long as you continue doing it until it becomes huge progress. So move forward, meet that goal halfway through the journey. By then, you will finally say you have made it.

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