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Affection. Something Emil wanted for so long.
Someone who's caring, someone who's loving, someone who will never leave him, even if he pushed the other away.
These were the thoughts Emil was having as he was on a dating site.
Lukas suggested that it was about time he got someone to mingle with.

He cared deeply for his younger sibling and when the other didn't show any signs of liking anyone it worried him. Was he asexual? Was he just not ready?
Emil was just in highschool, but he's never had a crush before.
Lukas was okay with it at first, saying that he should focus on school work.
After a while though, it started to get to him, that his brother will always be alone for the rest of his life with no experience at dating.

Emil sat at his computer, not really bothering to even try to get a date.
It never really interested him that much, but he is ready to experiment just a bit.
He didn't really bother with having a profile picture. He simply took a selfie, with the most awkward smile ever.

Perfect. His hobbies?
Most likely playing dress up with a Puffin, and listening to music.

Emil didn't really do sports. He selected surfing.

As in... Surfing on the web.

As for sexual orientation Emil never had a chance to think about it.
Before he knew it, he had selected pansexual, and submitted his answers after filling in the required information.

The albino anxiously held in his breath as he was being matched with someone. It could be a guy or girl... who knew??
Emil wasn't sure why he was so nervous to be paired up with someone.
The thoughts ran through his head of who he might get, and if they even lived near each other.

After five minutes of anxiously awaiting,
A profile popped up.

'Leon Wang Kirkland'

Of course it had to be a guy.
Emil didn't have anything against it, but it seemed so weird and
foreign. How would they kiss or make out?

He shook those thoughts away and scanned the other's profile pic.
Lovely chocolate thick hair was the first thing Emil saw when he looked at the profile picture.

It was about chin length, maybe even a bit past it.
Dark Marigold eyes gave a emotionless stare along with a plastered

He didn't look too bad.
This Leon looked asian, so he must be pretty short, like most asians he have met.

His hobbies include going onto Tumblr, watching fireworks and listening to music.

Leon seemed like he didn't do sports either other than 'surfing'

Right after he scanned the profile for a good fifteen minutes, Leon had already messaged him privately.

HK: Hello! My name's like, Leon. But you can already see that on my profile. Where do you come from?

Ice: Hello, Leon. It is nice to meet you.
I live in MoonBright City. I live in the section near Hetalia High.

HK: Coincidentally, I like, live in MoonBright City as well!
Hetalia High is the highschool I go to, but I don't live very close to it. I take the bus everyday to get there.

Emil smiled at the other's message.
It felt nice to message others.
He's never really texted anyone other than his family members.
You didn't have to show your face or say anything. It prevents embarrassing stutters not meant to be heard.

Ice: Cool! So I suppose we're like... Supposed to ask each other out???

HK: Well, this is a DATING website, lmao! And of course!
Er... Have you heard of Grillmarkaðurinn? Wait that's too fancy for a first date. Umm... Oh gosh I'm so awkward.

Ice: Omg, Lukas; someone who I live with, takes me to that place all the time! But I guess it is too fancy for a first date... Are you interested for something smaller and less obvious? Like, a café!

HK: That's a totally good choice! How about Starbucks? Or Mōka?

Ice: Mōka sounds nice. When are you free? I basically have no life so... I'm free any day.

HK: Saaame... How about tomorrow at 10am?

Ice: That's good! It is Sunday tomorrow.

HK: Okay! Tomorrow, 10am at Mōka's it is.

Leon felt his heart race, and his palms sweat buckets as he was on the keyboard.
He felt so nervous going on a date with a guy.
What would his siblings think???
Surely they won't be okay with it.

The Cantonese boy sighed wondering what this feeling is.
He grabbed the dictionary and flipped a few pages.

Affectionate? Readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness.

That sounded right. He felt fond of the silver haired boy already.

Decided to rewrite all of Highschool Troubles. I wasn't very fond of this fanfic, and I plan to change that.
Props to Connor222 for the amazing feedback!!

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