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follow me maybe? (:

Gothic styled homes lined the street as your parents pulled onto it. With wide eyes you took in the elm trees and deadened lawns; there seemed to be no signs of life as they pulled into the driveway.

The street itself was windy and it had a dead end. At the end of the street was a large divot which contained the sound that the city was famous for. The water gushed through rapidly at all times and you knew for a fact that one false slip that a person would be a goner.

You slowly got out of the car and took in the house that stood tall in front of you. With its high peeks and tower like room walls you could tell it had built a long while back.

"Why do we have to be here? You're always gone so why couldn't I stay with grandmother?" Your voice broke the silence that seemed to linger over the grounds of the home.

"We are working on being around more often, and besides it is a wonderful neighborhood. Your aunt is just a few miles into the city so she can watch you when we leave for work purposes. You should be grateful for out jobs, they provide the lifestyle you are used to young lady."

You nodded stiffly and walked up the cobble stone steps to the massive front door. You turned the gilded knob and cautiously peered your head in.

True to their words, your parents had the entire home redecorated before the three of you had arrived. You did not care for the historic murals on the walls as you walked up the curved staircase to the hall. You glanced up and saw that the ceilings were covered in paintings as well.

The particular piece painted had chills running up your spine as it was mostly done in cool colors with much black thrown in.

You put your head down quickly and walked the rest of the way up the stairs and through the hall. Windows lined the hallway and you could hear the rushing of the water that was right next to you.

You went to the room that your parents had told you was yours and when you turned the door knob you were met with another set of stairs. You hesitantly climbed up them and what you saw took your breath away.

The entire north side of the room was a gigantic window. What little light that the sun was trying to provide today was shinning through. A large bed took up a majority of the center space of the room and on the remaining walls were bookshelves, a desk, your wardrobe.

You took a look at your closet and your jaw dropped as it was very large and decorated as you would have dreamed of it to be.

The bathroom was a wonderful size and you had your own shower as well as a very delicate claw foot bathtub.

You took in a deep sigh as you walked back to the large window wall. Curtains flanked each side of the area and as you peered down to the front of the house you saw your parents talking to some unknown man.

Curiosity took you over and you walked the unfamiliar path back to the front door. It was wide opened as you went to go back outside and stand next to your father.

"Ah darling Brooke, we would like you to meet our neighbor, Harry is it?" The boys eyes never left your body and face as you held out your hand to politely shake his. He took your hand in his larger one and brought it up to his lips. A large grin was painted on his face, a grin that looked like it could split his face in half.

"Yes that is correct. It is wonderful to meet you love, your parents couldn't stop speaking of you." Another kiss was placed to the back of your hand as you blushed and murmured a 'thank you.'

You studied him as he was sucked into a conversation with your mother. As she babbled on, you looked at him with narrowed eyes. Longer hair, tight clothing, and jewelry was things your immediately noted.

He glanced at you and shot you a smirk before asking your mother to repeat what she had just said. He held his hands back behind his back and nodded attentively.

"You see we work with a company that travels much so we won't be home too often. Our daughter does homeschooling so she will be home pretty much all the time. Now I know we just met but you seem like a man who has his head on tightly, I hope you don't mind checking in on her every once and awhile when we leave. My sister lives a few miles away but we do not want to trouble her all the time."

The man named Harry nodded his head understandingly and answered to your father, who had interrupted your mother to speak to him.

"I have no problem looking after her, I mean we are neighbors and we should take care of one another." A charming smile was given off to your parents as they turned to talk to one another.

Harry turned over to you and sparked conversation. You hadn't interacted with many boys since being homeschooled did not allow that, so you felt awkward as he moved in close to speak to you.

"So tell me about yourself," he leaned in close and whispered his words right up against your ear. You shivered as his breath hit your face and you leaned back some to all give yourself some breathing room.

He didn't seem to like that as he moved close and you gave a meek smile hoping to placate his displeased expression.

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