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Your mind was racing. No thoughts ran clear, but rather a jumbled mess.

You were currently tied up to a chair in your neighbors kitchen. You were left alone in the room while he was off somewhere else. He was probably back over at your house making sure everything looked normal should you parents come back early.

You were shaking as tears slowly fell from your eyes. You didn't know what you were going to other then follow the one thought that rang clear thought the mess of thoughts flying around in your mind.

You were going to escape and get help. You didn't care who it was from, you were going to get out.

You moved your feet together to try and loosen the tight ropes he had tied your feet together with. They cut into your skin and you yelped against the cloth that was pressed in your mouth and tied around your head to keep it in place.

You tried your best to get them to loosen but nothing was working and you were wasting too much time writhing around. You need to conserve whatever energy you could to get away from here once you got free.

You stayed still and closed your eyes, working on evening out your breathing and calming down your heart that was hammering about in your chest.

You could hear the door open and the sound of his boots echo throughout the house. You opened your eyes and stared straight ahead as he walked into the kitchen and dragged one of the dining chairs right in front of you.

He grinned and reached forward, untying the knot from the back of your head, releasing the fabric from your mouth.

As soon as your mouth was free you began to scream right in his face as loud as you could. You wanted someone to hear you so you continued doing so until he covered your mouth with his hand.

You bit at the skin of his palm and he growled at you as you broke the skin. Good.

"Stop screaming." He hissed and released his hand from covering your mouth.

"Let me go!" You yelled back but he just stood up and began to pace the expanse of his kitchen. He looked agitated as he ran his hair. The long locks were pushed back behind his ear as he sat down across from you again.

He stared at you with green eyes blazing as you stared right back. No longer were you fearful, though a reasonable part of you thought you should have been.

"Who are you? Truly?" You spat as he chuckled.

"It's cute how tough you think you are. Must you know, I've not lied to you, but you've lied to me."

Your stomach dropped as he stood up, pushing his chair back, and kneeling in front of you. With your limbs tied up you didn't move your body an inch as his face came right in front of yours. His hands resting on the elbows of the dining room chair you were tied too.

"I know you were in this house before." He whispered and goose bumps broke out along your exposed skin as he smiled innocently at you.

"You are a good actress." His finger came up to trail down the side your face and then it slide its way down to rest right over your heart.

"I can hear it beating from here. Scared yet baby girl?" He spoke softly as he kept his finger right on its resting place. You were struggling to keep your face neutral and your breathing under control as you spoke up.

"Who was she?" You asked in the same tone as he has used just before you. He tilted his head to the side and look at you with an uncanny expression.

"I take it you're talking about the camera?" He asked innocently and you jerked your head in response.

There was a shift in his expression as it turned ugly. No longer was the man in front of you looking so beautiful as he face twisted into anger.

He swiftly stood up from you and grabbed the closet item to himself and chucked it at the wall. Glass shards went flying all over the place, some of them raining on you. Your skin was knocked from some of the large pieces falling onto you but you paid no attention to that at all as you watched the man in front of you slowly lose himself.

He clutched at his head as he yelled things you couldn't make out. More items were picked up and thrown until finally he calmed down.

He regained himself and took the seat across from you again. Little flecks of blood were about him but you focused on his eyes as he spoke up after his freak out.

"What did you find out?" He croaked and suddenly your neighbor didn't look to intimidating. You sucked up the bravery that you felt and spoke aloud.

"M. Gates, who is it?" You questioned and he growled lowly. "Stop growling and answer my question, you aren't a dog."

"You were never like this earlier." He retorted quickly as you glared more in his direction.

"I wasn't tied to a chair then was I?" You yelled and he just rolled his eyes. He stood up and began to pace again. Pacing seemed to be the action of the evening since he couldn't help but to get up every time you said something to upset him.

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