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"You're a cop? You work with the police?" You asked as you needed more confirmation.

"I was working on the case the night he died. You didn't know who I was and I thought it would be a good opportunity to see what he had become."

"What do you mean by 'what he had become?'" She pulled her sunglasses off and gave you her full attention.

"When him and I were together things were so different. He wasn't manic or obsessive, he became that way over time. He hated that my job put me in danger but it was something that suited me." Her voice trailed off as she went back into the recesses of her mind to pick out information.

"He used to take photos and he would tend to his roses, where ever they might be. I got him a camera one year that he got engraved with my name on."

An old polaroid camera was left forgotten on the floor and you picked it up. You turned it around in your hand and ran your fingers over the surface. Etched on the side was a name that was engraved. The script was hard to make out but you were able to conclude that it was a first initial and a last name. M. Gates.

"He always said he'd be content with just me, his roses, and his photos. He said he didn't want anything more in life then just that."

"Let me guess you didn't want that," you told her as she a sound out that was a cross between a sob and low shout.

"He didn't understand why I wanted more, he said that he would be everything that I would ever want and need. I left him that day, out of nowhere. I called my station and asked for a transfer and skipped town."

"Why couldn't you just talk to him? Why just fall off the grid?" You had to wonder what was going through her mind where she was cultivating such a plan to escape him.

"He had become crazy. He became too invested in the relationship and he couldn't fathom why I was pulling away. In his mind things were going to be okay," she informed you sadly. In your eyes you saw a women who had experienced a lose and was trying to understand things.

"You said you were working that night? The night he fell?"

"Yes, I got the call by a good friend of mine. Why do you ask?"

"How did he get out of the water?" You were blunt with your question and you could tell that she was taken off guard.

"He- the body was never recovered." She pulled herself together and her reply was more robotic then anything else.

"Where is he?" You continued on as if she hadn't responded.

"Nowhere." She stayed firm but you weren't having any of it. You took one step forward and you stood up straight.

"You skipped town because he freaked you out and I know for a damn fact he's alive and well out there in this town. Don't you believe I have a right to know? Do you not understand my situation?" You couldn't help but raise you voice with her.

"He's alive. That's all I can tell you, please accept that." She pleaded with you but you just laughed and shook your head.

"Anything else you can tell me?" Her face suddenly grew harder as she looked at you.

"I suggest you skip town too." You looked strangely at her before she continued on.

"After he got out of the water he didn't give me a second glance, he just took off. He'll come back for you, no matter what. You are the latest obsession, he's always watching. Be careful dear." She told you and suddenly she left you alone. Her retreating form confused you as you rushed forward.

Suddenly you felt as though a pair of eyes were watching you. You looked around and took a glance towards Harry's old home.

Meredith's words were now echoing in your ears as you swore you saw the curtains of his foyer move a tad.

Ice ran through your body as you ran back to your house. When you got right inside your mother rushed towards you and you collapsed in her arms.

"We need to talk mom!" You told her frantically and for once she led you into the kitchen to talk.


~1 year later~

It had officially been a year since you had moved from your gothic styled home in that old town where things were crazier then ever. You had no clue that such a small town could pack such a grand punch.

In one year things were good for you. No longer did you wake up covered in sweat or crying, you were doing well.

To top things off you were far, far away from Harry and his craziness.

You knew deep down there would be a time where you would see him again but for right now you were living in the moment, something you had only ever wanted.


Back on that old street where you used to live, his house was no longer trim and stunning. The grass was over grown and the ivy had grown all over the house.

No one knew that he still lived in that house, that he still tended to his roses, that he still pinned after you.

"Did you find her yet?" He asked the women in front of him.

"No, I haven't." Meredith Gates sat in front of the man she once loved and lied through her teeth.

"We'll keep looking, I want my flower back home." He told her as he crossed her ankles and continued to look at the map in front of him.

"I'll find you flower."

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