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You didn't understand why he couldn't
stay with a friend or a family member. It was all about the convenience of the offer he had said.

It was the undesirable charm and wit that won your parents over quickly; he hadn't even had to ask to stay over when they threw the offer to him.

Just knowing that your neighbor was about 20 feet away from you, sleeping peacefully in your guest room, didn't sit well with you. Though your parents only saw the good in him you saw nothing but a strangeness about him.

You didn't know the reason as to why Harry was staying with you for the next few nights and you wanted to know. One minute he was flashing smiles at your parents and the next he was smirking at you as he placed his things in the guest room.

It put only rotten thoughts in your mind as you closed your eyes and saw that smirk painted across the backs of your lids. You growled as you flipped onto your side and looked out the semi covered window-wall.

Your head shot up as you heard a knocking on your bedroom door and stayed quiet, hoping that whomever it was would just leave. The knocking started up again and you heaved yourself out of bed and over to answer your door.

Opening it just a sliver you saw Harry's tall frame. Whatever light that was cast in the hallway shined off of his white teeth as a large grin painted over his face.

"What are you doing up here?" Your voice came out louder than you intended and he shushed you. He pushed open the door wider and walked into your room, taking up space on your bed. He laid down and stared up at your ceiling as your eyes bugged out of your head.

"Excuse me!" He just laughed quietly and turned his head to look at you with innocent eyes.

"I was lonely and couldn't fall asleep. I knew you were going to be up." He turned his head back to the middle and continued to stare at your ceiling. You sighed and slowly made your way to sit on the chair in the corner of the room.

Harry sat up as you settled there and rested your head back on the chair, closing your eyes and listening to the roaring water outside of your window.

"Why don't you come lay with me?" His voice was almost unintelligent but you still heard him and you looked at him with what you guessed was shock.

"Can you please just leave my room?" You saw him frown in the slight light the room was cast in and his head turned towards you.


"Why is it that you feel the need to always bother me?" You asked in exasperation as he chuckled lowly and drum his fingers against his chest.

You didn't know where your new found attitude had transpired from but there was a part of you that wished it to stay for a bit longer. Your eyes took in every aspect about him that you could judge from your seat and you tilted your head in calculation.

His shirt was all scrunched in bits and his hair was unruly as though hands had been run through the locks in a continuous manor.

"Do you like your room? Quite interesting that wall. You can see my rose garden perfectly from it I bet." He raised his hand up to the window-wall and you muttered an affirmative to his statement.

"It's nice." Short answers were probably best with him but being the ever inquisitive man he was he fired off more questions to you.

"So where did you live before? Are you lonely here?" You furrowed your brows as you tried the best approach to answering him.

"I'd rather not talk about me." He rolled over to his side and propped himself up using his elbow. With the milky white light that was cast in perfect rays from between the open window space and your curtains his silhouette was perfectly outlined and you could make out his features clearly.

"You are lonely aren't you?" His tone wasn't mocking but it held a sense of resolve. You clenched your jaw as the one side of his mouth curved upwards and he just continued to look at you.

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