Part 44

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When you arrived at HYBE on Tuesday, you arrived at your normal time, but you had been up and working for hours trying to get everything into a spot where you could hit the ground running today.

You greeted Jieeun and were thrilled to find Yeeun already in your office. You'd been emailing the two of them, ever since you got your first espresso this morning and Yeeun waved her tablet at you as you put your stuff away.

"(Y/N)ie, did you sleep at all? Half the stuff I thought would take us all of today and tomorrow you've already got a plan for," she said eyes wide, and you nodded.

Minjae set the four-pack of coffees down and stole his and you grinned your thanks at him while he settled into his chosen workspace along the wall.

You dragged out all the paperwork from your bag and brought it into the conference room and Yeeun followed behind you and brought the coffee pack. You started to make the piles like you had last night across the conference table, and once the calendar was in the middle, all Yeeun said was "Ah," and the two of you were off and running on how to coordinate the four things you wanted done with the guys in the next seven days, while trying to continue to clear enough time to deal with everything else.

Jieeun walked in an hour later with the welcome news that Seunghyun was on his way down and the even more welcome news that Choi Woojin, the tour production manager finally had clear space in his schedule to meet with you. You obviously knew who Woojin was, had worked with him a tiny bit on the popup concert, but for the next six months he was going to be your left arm while Yeeun acted as your right, and you needed all the pieces in sync.

It made you a bit ashamed that it'd taken this long to get the time with him, but you'd been coordinating things via email all spring and summer, not to mention you really had needed the Subin thing cleared before you could get any real work done on the concert. But after today there was literally a week before you started at the venue itself and you needed every second you could squeeze in of last second coordination before you got to Olympic stadium.

Jieeun let you know that Choi Woojin nim had cleared his afternoon for you, and that Seunghyun was on his way down now to talk contracts.

You let Yeeun know the few tasks you needed from here, which was mostly to make sure she started to include the TruLuv schedule into the BTS calendar so that you didn't mess anything up there and then you thought it was only a tiny bit naughty of you when you asked her to help coordinate several items for Hoseok's mix tape release.

You got an eyeroll, but also a blush and you did an internal happy dance. At this point you were honestly not positive that it was a thing that was happening, but you thought perhaps that some of their embarrassment was simply as your over-the-top obviousness in trying to throw them together.

Seunghyun came in and you went back and sat in the little seating area to get a gameplan for the contracts and legal team meeting. Seunghyun offered to see if he could get the guy from legal to come meet here with you first, before you all headed down to the meeting with contracts and when he arrived, you listened to a lot of Korean you didn't quite get.

The man's accent was odd, and you struggled hard to pick up what he was saying. However, when he turned back to you, you were astonished when he spoke in American English. Slightly Texas accented, American English.

"University of Texas Law School," he said, and you grinned.

"Hook 'em Horns," you said, and he grinned back and held out a hand to bump fists.

"Ok so my Korean is pretty good," you started, and he waved away your words.

"Nobody's Korean is great when we start using Latin terms in Korean," he said and you figured out a little why the words had sounded familiar, but not quite right. The attorney whose name was Jeong Donhyun, "Call me Donnie," went over everything he'd explained to Seunghyun, but this time in English. And this time, you picked up 90% of it, though neither your Latin nor your Legalese was strong enough to grab everything.

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