Part 80

233 19 5

You had never been so furious in your life.

"Where's the leak Minhossi," you growled out as you walked down the hall and he grumbled but shook his head.

"There were less than twenty people who knew (Y/N)ie. Fourteen of those people, you and I will both vouch for with both hands: BTS, You, Yeeunssi. Myself, Minjae, Hajoon, Tadaka and Mike Tennant. The other six are split between the stylists and Minkyunim's team," and you both contemplated that as you headed down the hallway.

"Mike will vouch for his guys, Minseo will vouch for her girls," you said softly and paused in the hallway. Minho stopped and Minjae nearly ran into you both. He frowned at you and Minho raised an eyebrow.

You glanced up and down the hallway, making sure it was as empty as you thought, and took a moment to aim a kick at the foot of the wall.

"Gods damn that man. How did he get to our people!" You closed your eyes a second in frustration, secure in the knowledge of the two men next to you would take care of you if something happened. When you opened your eyes, you had bottled down some of that frustration again and when Minho looked at you, he nodded.


You nodded and he took your elbow and propelled you forward, back to the green room. Minjae smiled a little and followed close behind.

You stopped again, just as suddenly as before and this time Minjae grumbled a bit when he nearly stepped on you, but you didn't pay him any heed.

"Minhossi! Those notes arrived AFTER we arrived at the station," you said with your eyes wide, and Minho frowned a moment and then smacked his forehead. Shaking his head, he took off at a run down the hallway, his phone to his ear as he barked orders into it.

Minjae stood behind you, one hand on your shoulder as you started down the hall again.

"(Y/N)ie," he said in a questioning tone and you turned back to him trying to speed walk down the hall.

"Our drivers Minjaessi. One of the van drivers this morning must have reported our location to Kang Sanghoon," you explained, and his eyes went wide. He nodded and then stepped up his walking speed until you were both very close to jogging down the hall.

You entered the green room to see a scowling Tadakasan at the door and nearly smiled in relief. He relented a little, his scowl becoming a bit less ferocious for a moment as you and Minjae squeezed past him. As you entered the room, all eyes fell on you, but you searched for only one man amongst the crowd.

He stood talking to Namjoon and Jungkook in a corner and at your entry into the room turned to see. You smiled and hurried towards him, while Minjae stopped to explain to Tadakasan what was going on.

You reached the group and guys and happily stood in Yoongi's embrace for a second. You felt a hand take yours and opened your eyes to see a very worried JK watching you over Yoongi's shoulder.

You turned the palm of your hand and raised it to cup JK's cheek.

"I'm alright little brother, I promise. Minhonim is off to take care of it now," you whispered, and you felt his sigh of relief against your hand before he nodded.

"What is Minhossi taking care of Babygirl," Yoongi asked quietly, and you turned to include both him and Namjoon in your view as well.

"Only twenty of us knew where we were going today. Everyone else knew it was a media stop, but only twenty of us were given specifics, and 16 of those people are in this room and have been the entire time. However, we had to give our drivers a destination this morning," you explained, and Namjoon started shaking his head in disgust. Kook's eyes got really big, and Yoongi's arms tightened around you a bit more.

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