Part 88

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You were able to sleep for a few hours, until they woke you up to do the concussion check. The nurse came in again to check your vitals and inquire about food.

You hadn't really thought about food, but JK realized you probably hadn't eaten since breakfast and the nurse went off to make arrangements. When Minho arrived again, you were in the middle of nibbling on a slice of bread, the one thing you and the nurse had agreed on to get into your stomach. There was a tray of fresh fruit off to the side, but you were hoping the toast would help to keep everything down for now.

Minho held your blanket from Chicago and a very familiar looking RJ stuffie in his hands.

"I have been informed, someone very handsome will be arriving in the morning to retrieve this," said Minho with a smile and you nearly teared up with how wonderfully sweet all of your brothers were.

Pinned to RJ's chest was a note.

"It's not Yoongi, but RJ's handsome face will more than make up for the loss," it read, and you giggled a bit. Yoongi rolled his eyes, but JK smiled.

"It's good to hear you being yourself again Noona," he said quietly, and you reached out your arm and he came into your hug once again. You thought for a bit about how the week in Seoul was going to go and realized that if you'd thought the magnae had been a bit nervous and clingy before the accident, they were going to be even worse now.

And to be honest, you were ok with that.

This would be your first test, away from Yoongi and though outwardly you were encouraging and insistent that the tour must go on, that everyone needed to attend, inwardly you were terrified that you might fall apart.

You had reached a level of calm that you knew was false, but you struggled to put the tour and ARMY above your personal needs. If Yoongi found out exactly how bad your reaction was, it would not be pretty.

But you were counting on Minho to help you keep it together for a bit. You thought you could probably stay awake the entire concert, but you weren't sure about staying awake until Yoongi got back. Or what your panic attack would look like if you woke up without him nearby.

You put on a brave face that Yoongi didn't buy for a second. He knew how important the tour was, to the guys, to himself and to you, but he didn't like leaving you so quickly after the accident had happened.

After the kidnapping had happened.

There was a slight block for both of you in not talking about it yet, but Yoongi knew that you couldn't avoid it forever. Certainly, the police and the SRG were going to want to talk to (Y/N) about it before you left Sydney on Wednesday night. But for right now, he and Jungkook had tried to keep the hospital room discussions light and avoid the tour or anything that had happened this morning.

You hugged the RJ doll and Minho tucked it up against your right side, where Yoongi normally lay. Jungkook came over to say his goodbyes. He'd be back in the morning. You nodded shakily and hugged him tight.

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