Chapter 4

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Danielle POV

I looked into her eyes and saw them fill with tears. Stefanias hand slowly lifted off my leg.

"I... I see. Umm I will leave Danielle." She slowly got up from the sofa.

"No Stefania, it's not like that I promise." I grabbed her wrist making her turn towards me.

"Then what is it? Because I am so confused right now." she wiped her tears away but kept eye contact with me.

"I could never hate you, remember that. How could I hate you when I..." I stopped myself before I said too much.

"You what? You just told me that you had to get away from me. So, if it's not hate then what is it?" I could hear her getting angry.

I took a deep breath as i pulled her back down onto the sofa with me. "I like you, Stefania. I think the alcohol is taking over because theres no way I would say any of this to you sober. I've like you since the moment I laid my eyes on you." I could see that she was shocked. "Don't say anything ok? I am going away for a month to try and get over you because I know you don't feel the same and that's ok."

"But I-"

I cut her off, "Stefania, I have to do this." 

Stefania POV

Open your mouth Stefania what is wrong with you? Just say something. "Ma anche tu mi piaci. In realtà più di questo. Ti amo." (But I like you too. Actually, more than that. I love you).

Seriously Stefania Italian? At least she won't understand it.

"Stef, I didn't understand a word of that." she looked at me with those amazing blue eyes.

"It doesn't matter. If you feel like you have to do this then you go." Why couldn't I just say what I wanted?

"I'll be back before you know it." she said smiling.

2 weeks later

I feel like I'm going out of my mind. I can't call Danielle. i can't text her. I miss her. Barrett told me that she and Jaina knew about my feelings for Danielle and that Jay had to tell them at the wrap party. So, I've been talking to Barrett about everything which is helping me.

"I still don't get why you let her go after she confessed her undying love for you." Barrett asked over the phone.

"Don't be so dramatic. But I couldn't tell her. I wasn't ready but I am now because i know how much I like her. Barrett?"


"I feel like I've lost a limb without her here." I said sulking.

"Now whose being dramatic?" she laughed. "Do you want me to text her and tell her that you're missing her?"

"No, she's away to get rid of her feelings for me. I don't want to jeoprodise that."

"Stef, listen to yourself. You like her but you want her to get over you? Don't you want to be with her?"

"i actually didn't think this through, did I?" I started crying.

"Ok I'm going to text D then I'll be right over." 

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