Chapter 53

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Danielle POV

Stefania's hot hands are roaming all over my body. The love radiating from both of us is unmatchable. The tension building up is insane. We have only just made it into our room as Stefania slowly starts unzipping my dress, making sure her lips are lowering down my neck and onto my chest. I have been pinned against the wall again, but I really don't mind that in the slightest. My dress falls to the floor and Stef's hands glide from my thighs up to my face then against the wall. Our foreheads are touching as our breaths are getting heavier with anticipation. I take ahold of Stefania's face and turn us around so her back is now against the wall. I take a step back and admire the beauty in front of me. Stefania huffs with a smile on her face then bites her lip knowing how much I love that. I slowly walk back closer to her then place my hands on the wall behind her head like she did with me. I lean in close so our lips are only separated slightly, I can feel how much she wants this so I am going to take my time. Teasing Stefania is kind of fun for me but I really cannot resist this Italian goddess anymore. Our lips meet with such passion. I quickly unzip her dress and lower it down her toned body, leaving a trail of kisses where it used to be. I am now kneeling on the floor in front of Stefania, looking up seeing her chest rising and lowering at a fast pace. She throws her head back as I trail my tongue up the inside of her thigh. I stop just before I reach the place she wants me to be. I stand up as she pulls me back into a passion filled kiss, leading me towards the bed then pushing me onto it. Stefania is straddling over me, flipping her hair over her left shoulder and leaning into my chest, kissing and sucking wherever she can. She quickly moves lower and in between my legs. A small chuckle escapes her mouth as she can see how turned on I am. It doesn't take long until I reach my climax, I grab hold of her hair to keep her head in the exact spot whilst she rides this out with me.

Stefania separates her lips from me and moves up to my face when she intertwines our legs and starts grinding her hips into mine.


"Wow!" I am trying to catch my breath. We are both led on our backs after the best sex.

"That was incredible." Stefania turns onto her side to face me.

"I think we've set the bar high for us now." I try to laugh but I my lungs are about to explode.

"Bambina," Stefania trails her fingers from my neck down my chest and over my stomach, "thank you."

I look at her very confused, "what for? You done most of the work like always."

"No Bella," Stef chuckles slightly, "for having our wedding in Sicily."

"Stef," I also turn onto my side and face her, "you don't need to thank me, I just wish your mama was here to witness it."

Tears are now forming in Stefania's eyes, "she was there in spirit. She wouldn't have missed it."

"Stef, I love you but we are super sweaty right now so I think a bubble bath is needed." I run my hand down her back.

Stefania smiles and gets up. I watch her as she walks into the bathroom and turns on the bathtub.

After a very need bath, we head to bed and it really isn't long until we both crash out.

I wake up to a very naked, gorgeous Italian practically on top of me. Our hands are locked into one another's on my chest. I am not moving from this spot until Stef wakes up. This is my safety. This is my world. I really would do anything for this woman. Her breath on me is the calmest feeling I could ever feel.

This moment doesn't last very long as there is a quiet knock on the door. I slowly and carefully move Stef off me and cover her naked body up with the duvet whilst putting on a robe. I make sure I am also not showing anything that no one should see. I look through the peephole in the door to see Barrett on the other side. I gently open it so it doesn't make any noise to wake Stefania. I smile at Barrett and whisper, "hey B, everything ok?"

"Eventful night was it?" Barrett smirks a little.

I try and ignore that comment, "what can I do for you Barrett?"

"I just wanted to see if you and Stef are coming down for breakfast." She looks over my shoulder to the bed.

I open the door and let her in, "come in B, Stef's still asleep though."

Barrett walks through and sits in the chair, I get back into bed and Stefania instantly turns back into a Koala, snuggling her head into my neck. Barrett takes one look at us and puts out her bottom lip, "that is the sweetest thing I've ever seen."

"What my naked wife sleeping?" I quietly laugh.

"No you idiot," she starts laughing too, "the way she hugs into you."

"This happens every morning and it's honestly the best thing to wake up to." I kiss the top of Stefania's head.

"She's such a softy, or you're just cuddly." Barrett smiles at a sleeping Stefania.

"I'll wake Stef in a bit and meet you downstairs for breakfast, is everyone else awake yet?" I accidently spoke a bit too loudly as Stef starts waking up.

"Buongiorno Barrett." Stef hasn't even opened her eyes yet and she knows exactly who I am talking to.

"Good morning Stefania," Barrett stands up, "I'll see you both downstairs soon." She leaves the room.

"Did I wake you?" I run my hands through Stefania's hair.

"No bambina, I am hungry though." Stef looks up at me and kisses my cheek.

"Let's get dressed then meet everyone downstairs, yes?" I don't want to leave this warmth though.

Stef nods and moves off the top of me and we both throw on a pair of jeans and a sweater. We take each other's hand as we make our way to breakfast. We luckily paid extra for a private room for everyone to gather in the morning.

We open the door to everyone there with their plates full. I can tell the majority is very hungover. We spot Barrett, Jay, Jaicy and Camilla sat very quietly at a table. I smile to Stef as Camilla has her head on the table. "Drink too much Cam?" Stef rubs Camilla's back.

"No, Jaicy ended up in my room last night because of you two." Camilla lifts her head and raises her eyebrows at us.

"Noise cancelling headphones isn't enough when you're in the room next to you." Jaicy laughs as she takes a bite out of her breakfast.

"Ok I am so confused," Barrett looks at the pair of them, "so why didn't you sleep Cam?"

"Because," Camilla turns to Jaicy, "she is so fidgety in her sleep and kept kicking me."

"I slept fine." Jaicy makes us all laugh.

"Good night then ladies?" Jay looks at us as he takes a sip of his orange juice making both Stefania and I turn slightly pink in the cheeks.

"Danielle hunny," my mom walks over to us, "good morning Stefania, do you mind if I steal Danielle away from you?"

Stef nods, "of course."

My mom walks me out of the room. This is not going to be good. 

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