Chapter 61

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Danielle POV

I wake up suddenly after a really bad dream and Stefania isn't in bed, she's the only thing I need right now and she's not here. Now I'm panicking, "STEFANIA!" I'm screaming at the top of my lungs.

The bedroom door bursts open and Stef runs over to me, "what's wrong Bambina?" She climbs into bed and pulls me so close to her.

"Where were you? I needed you and you wasn't here." I bury my head into her chest, letting tears fall freely and comfortably.

"I heard Ford whimpering so I checked up on him," Stef kisses the top of my head, "I'm here now Bella, I'm here." She strokes my hair and wipes away my tears, "do you want to talk about it?"

"You left," I raised my head and looked into her glistening eyes, "you left me without saying a word and I got the divorce papers through without even talking you about what I done wrong and then my world literally started crumbling around me because you were no longer in it. I woke up and you wasn't here."

"No Danielle," Stefania holds my face and puts our foreheads together, "I will never leave you. You are my world and I'm not letting that crumble ok?"

I can taste both of our salty tears now, I lean in and kiss Stefania. I nestle my head back into her chest and I soon fall asleep again, Stefania never loses her grip around me making sure I know she's there.

I wake up to the smell of coffee and food. The best smells you could ever wake up to. I check my phone and it's 8AM on Valentine's day. I was hoping for some snuggle time in bed this morning so I message Stefania:

Bambina: Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm nearly naked in bed and you should be too.

I hear Stefania laugh from downstairs then I get a reply:

Goddess: Roses are red, your underwear is lace, take them off and sit on my face.

Ok so Stefania has jokes this morning, I get up and walk downstairs. I am wearing nothing but my underwear. Stefania looks at me and nearly chokes on her coffee. I walk over to her and spin her around on the stool. I stand in-between her legs and grab her face, I pull her in and kiss her so passionately that I even forget where I am. Stefania's hands automatically go to my ass and squeezes which doesn't help the tingling I have going on right now.

I pull away just before we get carried away, "happy Valentine's day baby."

Stefania looks me up and down, "happy Valentine's day to me too. Please say you're staying like this all day."

She makes me laugh, I walk round to the pot of coffee, "no I will be getting dressed soon."

Hands suddenly slowly slide around from my back, down my ass then around the front of my thighs. I roll my head back to Stefania kissing the crease of my neck slowly going up to biting my ear, "you sure?" her hands roam up my stomach to my chest.

I spin around and pick Stefania up, wrapping her legs around my waist and placing her on the counter. Our lips crash together as I remove her shirt. Stefania soon jumps down from the side, still connecting our lips together and pushes us to the couch which we both miss and end up on the floor.


"I think that is the best way I've ever started a Valentine's day." Stefania turns to me very out of breath and sweaty. Our bodies are pointed in opposite directions so my head is at her feet and her head is at my feet.

"I just want to know how we didn't hurt ourselves when we completely missed the couch." I sit up and look at the distance between us and the couch and laugh because it's not even that far away. I stand up and help Stefania up too.

"It's surprising because it's big enough." Stef quickly kisses me before finding her shirt in the kitchen and putting it back on.

"Uh Stef?" I spot a pile of blankets next to the couch, "what's this?"

"Go and get dressed," Stef walks back over to me and takes my hand, "when you come back downstairs, it will be ready but take your time."

"Ok, why don't you just let me know when it's ready?" I smile to Stef.

It's so cute seeing the light go on in her brain, "yeah we could just do that."

I run back upstairs, I throw on some sweats and lay in bed. I check my phone and message Barrett:

D: Good morning beautiful lady! Happy Valentine's day!

Doss: It's midday now D but happy V day! I'm guessing you already got some HOT Italian loving?

D: I would never kiss and tell but hell yes!

"Danielle!" Stefania shouts up the stairs. I nearly trip over where I'm trying to get up so fast. I notice that it is dark downstairs, what has she actually done?

"Stef why is it-" what I see takes my breath away. She has created a blanket fort in the front room. Fairy lights surround the whole room with candles lit in the window. Pillows are scattered everywhere and yet so neatly with thick blankets ready for us to climb under.

"Do you like it?" Stefania walks over to me and we both admire the beauty of it.

"Are you kidding? This is amazing." I take Stef's hand in mine and pull her into the fort with me. I spot something on one of the pillows.

"It's a poem that reminds me of you every time I read it." Stefania picks it up and hands it to me:

Ma luciole

my firefly

the very spark of my life

in the darkest nights

burning bright

you are my hope

the only light I need

to see.


"I love you so much." I pull Stef in and kiss her.

"I love you too Bambina, now what movie should we watch?" Stefania stand up and walks to the kitchen picking up a few things, "I have M&Ms, popcorn, mozzarella sticks and Cheetos."

Stef places all of these snacks in front of me and I don't knock where to look, "you really planned all of this for me?"

"Si, who says that a day at home has to be boring? I will also be cooking an amazing meal later with a few more surprises. But what movie do you want to watch first?" Stef turns on the TV and brings up the list of movies.

I am looking at my wife in complete awe, she never fails to amaze me, "well it has to be Dirty Dancing, classic."

We sit back and pull those thick, fluffy blankets over us. Stefania lifts up my arm puts it around her neck, leaning into me with her arms wrapped around my waist.

I do wonder what other things she has planned though. 

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