Chapter 8

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Danielle POV

I can't even put into words how long I've wanted to kiss Stefania. Kissing as Maya and Carina are different. This is our own feelings we're messing with now.

As I leant in further towards Stefania, my phone buzzes. Barrett. Seriously?

"Yes Barrett, can I help you?"

"Are you serious right now?" she's angry so I put her on speaker "we told you not to be near each other and what do you do? You run to her. The fans were going crazy! Danielle, you couldn't keep your puppy eyes off Stefania."

"Barrett, if I could interject here?" Stefania spoke up.

"Oh Stef, you're lucky I'm not there right now! Honestly, it's like looking after a pair of teenagers. You better not have been doing anything after you ended that live." We can hear Jaina laughing in the background.

"We were just talking actually." I replied whilst smirking at Stefania.

"Don't make me come a babysit the pair of you."

"Bye Barrett." Stefania presses the red button to hang up, "Danielle, we shouldn't be doing anything like that anyway."

"I know, I got caught up in the moment, I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing! Who knows, there may be an opportunity to kiss me in the future." Stef tucks a strand of my hair behind my left ear whilst I get lost in her gorgeous eyes.

Every part of me wants to just grab her face and kiss her right know, but I will respect her if she doesn't want to yet. "Do you want to go grab lunch with me?"

"Yes, that would be good, let me message Barrett and Jaina to see if they want to join." Stefania pulled her phone out to message them.

With a near instant reply, we grabbed our shoes and made our way to a little cafe near my house, (I wanted to hold her hand so badly but I knew we couldn't in case anyone saw us) where we met Barrett and Jaina.

I order my food pretty quickly as I am so hungry but the other three are chatting so I'm just sat there hearing my own stomach scream at me. Eventually, our food arrives. Every so often when I look up, I see Stefania sitting across the table from me smiling just a little so Barrett and Jaina wouldn't notice.

After we finish eating, I suggest going for a walk as it is such a nice day and luckily everyone agrees. I walk in front with Jaina whilst Barrett and Stefania closely following behind. 

Stefania POV

I'm actually thankful that Danielle decided to walk in front of me. It has nothing to do with being able to stare at her ass the whole way though.

"Stef, what happened after you turned off the camera? Remember I know when you're lying." Barrett whispered to me.

"Nothing, we talked a little bit but that was it. We almost kissed but thankfully you interrupted that." I chuckled.

"Wait back it up a second," Barrett held my arm for us to stop, "when I called you, you were about to kiss?"


"Talk about brilliant timing" she said sarcastically. We started walking again.

"No Barrett, it was good timing. I said afterwards that it wasn't the right time anyway."

"What's the next step in the plan anyway?"

"What Danielle doesn't know is that there is another letter for her that I hid whilst she was setting up the live video. I will hint it at her when we all walk back." I couldn't help but stare at the floor whilst I felt my cheeks go redder.

Soon enough we were heading back, the heat was taking its toll on us now. As we were all approaching Danielle's house I said "Oh, Danielle, good luck finding the letter."

Both Danielle and Jaina turned and looked at me very confused but Jaina soon realised what was happening as she smirked at me.

"Wait... What? What letter?" Danielle looked at me, then back to Jaina and Barrett then back to me again trying to find anyone that will relieve her of this confusion. But all I could do was laugh.

I can hear her asking Jaina about the letter as she's unlocking her front door. We all walk in and head straight to the kitchen for a drink. It doesn't take long for us to notice that Danielle is nowhere to be seen.

"She's looking for the letter, isn't she?" Jaina laughed. Myself and Barrett chuckled a bit too.

"I FOUND IT!" we hear the scream coming from the other side of the house. The sound of running and jumping is getting closer as we eventually see Danielle waving the letter in her hand so excited as she approaches us. "Can I read it now?"

"Yes Bella, you can." How can I say no to that face?

We all make our way to the sofa and get comfortable. My palms are sweating again because I'm nervous. Danielle looks at me whilst she carefully opens the letter and starts reading it:


They are saying that romance is dying. I understand that. But I cannot help but make sure that hopeless romantics like myself are still alive. My zest for life has somewhat become much stronger since meeting you. Although most of the time you are the person who grounds me a little bit when I need it. Your passion to help other people is inspiring. You are unwavering and gorgeous too.

I hope that, somehow, letters like these make you feel as special as you do to me. You make me smile on my darkest days. When you hug me, it's like nothing else matters. Yes, we are complete goofballs but when it comes down to it, you are as serious as me. You matter to so many people and you have changed so many lives from just being yourself. I admire you and everything about you.

I hope this letter and all the letters to come will make you as happy as you make me.

Con tutto il mio cuore.

Stefania x"

Barrett leans over to me and whispers, "Stef, is this the way you want to tell her you love her?" 

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