Chapter 60

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Stefania POV

"Stef?" Danielle rolls over in bed to face me after begging to be the little spoon.

"Mmm?" I am half asleep but she seems to be wide awake.

"Did you mean it?" I open my eyes to see Danielle with a huge smile on her face.

"Mean what Bambina?" I really have no clue what she is on about but that adorable face makes me smile too.

"That you want little versions of us running around someday?" Danielle brushes her nose against mine and it really does make me all warm and cozy inside.

I can't help but smile at her, "si Danielle, one day."

"Good." Danielle rolls back over and brings my arm tighter to her chest which makes me move closer to her. She hugs my arm and quite quickly falls asleep. I push myself up a little and kiss her cheek.

A little while later and I'm still awake, I love Danielle but she shouldn't have woke me up. Now I need coffee and food. Wow I really need food.

I try and slowly remove my arm from her grasp but this really doesn't work as she flips herself over and pulls me into a really tight hug as if I'm a teddy bear. This woman is so cute.

As I'm embracing this hug, I take a deep breath and look at this little ball of adorableness lying next to me.

I didn't even realize that I fell asleep with Danielle in my arms, I sit up and stroke her hair, pulling it away from her face. There's a knock on our bedroom door, "come in." I try to whisper so I don't wake up Danielle.

Barrett opens the door, "we are making coffee, do you want one?"

"Yes please." Now I am actually whispering.

Barrett looks at Danielle snuggled into me, "that is so cute, look at her little face."

"What are we looking at?" Jaicy pokes her head around the door and spots Danielle too, "Oh now that is super cute."

I slowly and carefully lift Danielle off me and climb out of bed, joining everyone downstairs. Jay and Jake have made everyone coffee and slides me over a mug from across the counter, "thank you, I need this."

"Guys, you should of seen Danielle just now," Jaicy blows into her hot coffee to cool it down, "she snuggles."

Barrett laughs, "normally it's Stef being a little koala, isn't it?"

"I have to agree, Danielle is just too good of a hugger." I inhale the smell of this amazing coffee, at least it's not Danielle making it. Now that would be a real disaster.

I see Jay and Jake smiling at something behind me, I suddenly feel arms wrap around my waist and a kiss on my shoulder, "I'm glad you feel like that."

I turn myself around and face the blonde beauty, "would you like a coffee?"

Danielle nods her head then pulls me in for a proper hug, nestling her head onto my shoulder as we face everyone else. It's very rare that I see a tired Danielle, normally she is awake way before me but this is just super cute.

Jay places Danielle's coffee in front of her, "at least we didn't drink as much as last time, we could hardly do anything the next day."

Jake looks at me and Danielle, "I heard that there was body shots involved?"

Barrett stands up, "where's the holy water for my brain? I can't relive that moment no matter how hot it was."

Danielle looks at me then back to Barrett, "what was wrong with it?"

Jaicy laughs, "she can't handle the sexiness."


We all make our own way to work this morning, we would have took everyone but our fur babies come first and take up a lot of room in the back seats.

"Stef?" I don't like it when Danielle goes high pitch at the end of a question, this typically means that she wants something.

"Yes?" Just keep focusing on the road Stefania.

"What are we doing for Valentine's day?" Danielle looks at me as if I would ever forget the most romantic day of the year.

"Whatever you want to do." I place my hand on her thigh, rubbing it with my thumb.

"Well, because our last day of nothing actually ended up with us getting married, do you want an actual lazy day?" I can see out of the corner of my eyes that she has the biggest smile on her face.

"How can I say no to that? I would love nothing more." I did have plans of a really nice meal in a really nice place but honestly, that sound so much better.

Danielle nods enthusiastically, "good, we could order take-out too."

As we finally park the car, I look to Danielle and place my hand on her cheek, "that sounds perfect Bella." I lean over and quickly kiss her before the dogs decide that they want to join in and ruin the moment.

"Jeff, Ford!" Danielle laughs as she pushes their little faces out of the way and gets out the car.

"Come on ladies!" Barrett jogs backwards past us.

I look to Danielle and laugh, "how do you have so much energy?"

"I made Jay put an extra shot of coffee in my mug this morning." Barrett is very awake and very happy.

"I'm sorry in advance for how she is going to be today," we turn to see Jay walking from his car, "I regret it immensely."

Both Jeff and Ford are pulling on their leashes trying to run with Barrett so I take them off and let them run free with her.

"So guys," I look to Jay, "what are your plans for V day?"

Danielle chuckles, "why did I quickly think you meant vagina day?"

"Well..." I tilt my head to her which makes us all laugh.

Jay stops in his tracks at glares at me, "I used to enjoy having you rant to me about Danielle, can we go back to that time? You know when you wasn't constantly talking about sex?"

Danielle starts walking backwards too towards the make-up trailer, "Jay, you can't wish that around two sexual people."

"Oh wait, I just did!" Jay laughs back to Danielle then turns to me, "so any romantic plans?"

"Just a giornata pigra, the last one wasn't very lazy was it?" I hold up my left hand indicating the marriage day.

"That actually sounds so cozy, but I thought you might have something up your sleeve being the most romantic and spontaneous person I know." Jay looks at me slightly confused.

I lower my head and smirk a little, "I may have something planned, you'll just have to wait to see what it is."

"Well now you have to tell me." Jay nudges me and nearly pushes me over.

"Time will tell Jay." It's going to be very romantic and very cute. 

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