Chapter 1 (birth of Karna)

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The ancient KuntiBhoj was very famous for its natural beauty . And liberal thoughts of the king. King of kunti bhoj was a Yadav' king. Who had no heir for his Kingdom ; as he was child less

So he adopted the Yadav princes of king shruasena. Born to him . Due to his adoption of the princess pritha. Later she stated to live with in the Kingdom . So the king has fondly call her as Kunti . Because she was fond of all common people in Kingdom as well as of the king.

She' came her just merly child girl. Now she is her mid fourteen 's teens .
. She is devote of mata parvati and lord shiva . She went to prayer in the temple with maid and her Best friend priyamyada . whith few soldiers as for princes pritha or kunti and few trusted maid's .

Author's prov :

Kunti While walking with her maid cheerfully . And yet elegantly with look innocent look but of royal aura of an princes .

She wore dress a made of soft cotton fibre uttariya of lightish blue with golden embroidery on side on shoulder s and long leghnga with design which add more features in her Beauty . Her body tone is fare. Not so thin or obese but perfectly looking in every way . Modern day teenager... She has long black silky hair . Touching her smooth back .

She started to move towards the gate in front of the her. While the guards present at the door when they saw her bow down their head as a mark of respect to their princes. She gently past across them Through smiling at them and with her maids followed .her .

They Started to move out . And Stop at the chariot waiting for them .the princess slowly moves towards the chariot and takes one steps and then the support of chariot to step in and moves inside it and her friend priyamyada moves in the another part of chariot sitting next to her.

Kunti ---- : Ramu Kaka please start the chariot let us move towards the Mahadev temple rapidly as we are getting late for the Puja organised year . And we don't want to miss it .so fast it will be very thankful of you leading to our mere destination .

Ramu Kaka who is loyal chariot of king KuntiBhoj .

Repily firmly and respectfully with wisdom of word's reflecting his gentle agreement of the kind and innocent princes of their kingdom . As he was with the king when princess arrived at their Kingdom. It was in the the season of harvesting all the people were busy in their respective agricultural field but when the news reach to the kingdom that the king has brought the princess kings shursena . and the king has adopted the princess as she had been named her as pritha but now king will name her as Kunti . Of Kingdom KuntiBhoj . has now a heir for their Kingdom . And now their king will get a child Love and will able to nurture her with every materialize happiness that he can provide their princes.due to this the their kingdom will celebrate this day as a festival . And all expenses will be paid by the royal treasurey.

The Charioteer starts moving Slowly and paces eventually with dust rising away in its way to reach its route. Through the forest filled with greenery and followed by astonishing sound of windy breeze. The sun has reaches upon its zenith in the sky filled bluish clouds and spreading of light and emulatingf golden rays of positivity upon the Earth.
. We can seen flying high sun reaching its destination with great speed and determination and like in front of dark clouds and eventually comes outs in Ray of hope the rain have gone . Glittering lights .

It has lead into the way towards the temple and many people can be seen walking towards . In this Kingdom there is no discrimination based on caste all people are considered equal . Even one tries to disctriminate towards any human being. The king punishes the offender iserver ly and will be declared guilty; thought he is merciful to it many people . The Kingdom has to raise above everything. Because it doesn't Want to stay in pathetic develop boundaries of narrow thoughts and superstitions of related to religion due to society . citizens to have knowledge and to develop . Everyone person must be provided with the opportunity and choice . As person may took the job and work he wants to do with no socetical. Pressure due to caste or varna.

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