19 nov

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19th Nov’10

05:35  PM (my room- giving tutions..)

Teaching tutions. Oh! I already told you that…Oh! Well..I can’t really concentrate you know. Thank heavens that I completed their syllabus-two whole freaking months early. For if I were to teach right now, I will be only as good as an apple stuck with a knife.

Did I just write that..? It doesn’t even make sense. (WOAH! I’m going crazy! Not that others haven’t told me that before..but still..)

Ohkay..so lemme tell you what happened today-

When I came back from school, I was like all red. (maybe even literally-my skin shows colour real fast. You think that’s good.? Then you ought to imagine a scenewhen I blush everytime I see him. Yeah! It pretty much tough to hide-so it sucks!) I mean- during the run-through (the whole annual day programme practice-which thankfully went fine) I and my friends realized ( To be noted- I’m talking here about those girls which have become my friends during skit rehersals- and I obviously could not have been talking about Arushi..and all here-since they are behaving weird lately. Not all the time ofcourse.Only when some random child comes up –whom I’d met at XYZ competition..or someone I know due to XYZ reason-and congratulate me, they go nuts. They’re like rolling their eyes and trying to shrug off the situation..rather than view it. I mean..what the heel is the problem. Ohkay- I admit that if Arushi would have got the cash prixe – I would be green as well. But I certainly wouldn’t have behaved in such a lame-stupid-annoying-jerking-pissing-you-off-way)

So, I and my friends realized that the award function was at the initial stage of the program. You know-like in the beginning. During welcome speeches and all, there is going to be an introductory speech-which would include all the good things about our school. And so its more than obvious, why all the geeks are being awarded. (yeah! I’m a geek now. Jeez!) So what it means is that I would be approaching the stage-when I am actually supposed to be wearing the sari. According to the plan- (plan?) the award function was expected to be after the skit (mahn! I am really getting obsessed with this award. It’s not even an award- It’s like a scholarship. Except its cash- and you don’t pay your school fees with it. You can buy anything for the money is sent to your account. But still-award function? I really an turning into one of those I-got-tha-prize-so-I-won type of freaks! Oh no!)

But now-since the…uhh…prize distribution  (yeah! That’s the best I can do so suck it up!) is before the skit- I will have to walk upto the stage and receive the ..uhh..prize..in SARI.

Imagine-A pregnant lady walking upto the stage to receive the cash prize as the girl topper of class 10 (Ironic and super weird-isn’t it?)

But I got to mention that my food baby has reduced. (and now when I have started to call myself pregnant- I may as well approach in that way..haha!)

Even the thought of it-creeps me out. Yuck!

Ohkay- Arjun and Arjun both left. (Don’t think I’m too slow- I kept sneaking in between to teach them. Which is what they pay me for..right?)Tommorrow the partcipants have to go again.  I am not going by van- because driver uncle told me that he will pick me up by seven . And also because I remember how late he was last time.

Ohkay-so I’m getting a little nervous. Just two days to go before the annual day.

Wish me luck!

And oh! I almost forgot-we did greet other today. (I hope you know who I am talking about. )




19th Nov’10

08:10 PM (my room)

Listen! This (once again) occurred to me. What if-what if-he-Mr. Tanmay Perfect Sharma, already knows about my big-big crush on him?eh? I mean-it is quite possible. Ohkay..more than possible. And now when I’m thinking about it –there are like millions of reasons supporting the fact,-which are popping out in my head one by one.

-Months ago- when I was unfamiliar to him (as much as I know him now. I mean come on- I dnt even know where he lives-or does he have a brother-and which girl  he likes..Do you even believe that. I don’t even know him. And Yet I like Him. I think I’m nuts.)And neither was I aware about the feeling I have had for him-my friends used to tase both of us. (IMAGINE!)

-I am usually super-over-excited-when I talk to him. My heart keeps on beating like a madman. And It’s hard to concentrate on what He is actually saying. Doesn’t it show?

-I remember he had once come to me and whispered,”you don’t mind-if we both are connected. Or do you?”

And I like a stupid-dumb-jerk-brainless-witless-idiotic-insane-creature had said, “No way! I don’t care!”

-I was like staring him during his performance 9dance) and speech (h is the head boy-remember? He is ‘supposed’ to deliver a speech) and I guess one of his classmate saw me  and gave a crooked smile?

What does it mean?What did it mean?

-I noticed-that every time I notice him..he doesn’t even notice me.

He didn’t care to look at me during my performance in the skit too. He was there.The least he could do was to pay some attention to the stage.

-I can’t think of more. But there is an instinct inside me which is screaming out loud-

‘He doesn’t evencare-a peny about you Anamika-and you - a stupid-dumb-jerk-brainless-witless-idiotic-insane-creature act like you are nuts bout him. No wait- You are actually nuts about him.It shows on your face. It shows on your goofy smile. It shows on your forever-staring-at-him eyes. And it shows on your heart beat.

And that is why he is ignoring you. Forget about the head boy. You suck!’

You know what-Now that I realize that I sulk so much. Perhaps I pretty much suck as well.



Ohkay..so here goes my new chapter. BTW I need a bok cover for this book. (LOL)

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