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"Ehh....what time is it?"

I looked at the watch on my wrist, 8:02.
I sat in the bed for a few minutes, my parents walking in.

"How are you feeling sweetheart"
"Normal, I guess"
"That's good, do you wanna go home?, we'll let you skip school today because you never know when it can happen again."

After awhile we got back home, I went upstairs to put on new clothes. I looked in my mirror, thinking about what Maya Jane and the ghost told me, I'm worth more then I think? The more I looked at myself the more I realised I was capable of what everyone else was, we were all born that way, and we stay that way, no matter what happens.

Everything felt in place.

The day went by fast, I spent most of the day doing what I enjoyed, writing songs. I always wanted to be a singer when I was older. something feels so nice about getting up on a big stage and letting out your emotions or thoughts in a beautiful rhythm that everyone can sing along to.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I had completely forgotten about Kiki and the project, but atleast I know why I forgot it.

My mum, Lucy. Came into my bedroom to tuck me into my bed.

"Are you okay sweetheart? You were in your room all day"
"Yeah, you dont have to worry about me though"
"Okay, that's good."

she kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, darling. Your worth more then you think."
"Night, mum"

The next morning I went to school.
I texted Kiki this morning saying I would come, so he was at my doorstep at precisely 8:03 so we could walk there together.
He showed our project to the class, we both got a B+. I don't usually do that good in science so I would count it as a win.
We arrived. I always figured people in my class only were kind to me because of my parents being "The special"
"Your worth more then you think" was running through my head.
I felt more confident in the thought that the people in my class were kind to me because of who I truly was.

"Hey, guys!"

I said the moment I walked into the classroom. Everyone looked at me, weird glares. They all turned back mumbling to their friends.
One person didn't. Harmony. She was batman and wa'nabi's child. we were born around the same time, she was one of the first people I was introduced to. We were childhood best friends.

"I'm okay!"
"Great to hear, darling we all missed you so much"
"Hope it didn't cause any trouble"
"Not at all! Glad to have you back!!"

she was always so uplifting, she was a shapeshifter like her mother, I always found it weird to think about how technically, wa'nabi is my sister, considering my father created her. I try not to think about it too much.

"The gang missed you girl!"

she took me over to the far left corner of the room.
Thomas, benny and gcbc's adopted child was there. Metalbeard's sister, Alison.

"Hey Mel! Haven't seen you in abit! How are you?"
"Im okay ali. Don't worry"

they were all the only people aside from Kiki that were excited to see me.
We all had our first few classes. Lunch came around, there was a new singing club I wanted to try out.
All of my friends had other ambitions so I was the only one out of them all that went.
I walked into the gym, where it was all happening. There was a mix of kids that were older and younger then me.
The club runner, Gil. Was directing everyone to take turns introducing themselves and showing them a little bit of what
Their capable of. The younger kids went first.

A little girl, age of 5

"u-uhm.... I'm molly- I like unicorns and singing!"
"Well, molly. Would you like to sing a little bit for us?"

She then started to sing a random kids show theme song, she did it better then I ever could.

More and more people went until it got up to people in my class, I was close. I had no idea what I was going to say or sing.
the kids my age were doing it so confidently, I thought we were all on the same step of learning.
They were so talented, I felt stupid.
It was my turn.

I stood up on the podium, adjusting the microphone to my level.

"I-Im Melody Brickowski-! I enjoy singing and drawing....!"
"That's nice, would you mind singing abit for us all?"
"I wouldn't mind!"

I didn't think that bit through.
I looked down at the whole gymnasium. There was more people then I thought.
I had no idea what song I was going to sing.
Until now that is.

"everything is awesome...! everything is cool when your part of a team-! everything is awesome when your living out a dream!"

I was singing the kids song my mother was most well known for.
I got more confident the thurther I got in the song. The little kids were clapping, some were singing along.
The older kids watched me, I felt embarrassed but I had no other choice.

I finished the song. The little kids clapping and cheering .

"What a nice performance, Mel!"

Gill didn't really look that satisfied through the whole thing. I went to sit back down as the next kids came up.
Doing a better job then me.
I really only noticed now how stupid I really was. I bet the older kids caught it on camera.
I sneaked out of the gym. To never go again.
It felt as if I wasn't worth much, and I wasn't capable of what everyone else was. The good words wernt swirling in my head anymore.

Suddenly everything started shaking. Not just me. The whole school and the whole town was shaking.


One kid screamed. Teachers were directing everyone to get under something like a table.
My dad had taught me about these before, he said they never last this long.
The shaking went on for another minute. It stopped.
My whole class was under the tables, my teacher turning on the tv, to the news channel.
One of the news helicopters was picking up a conversation from the real world-
Between Bianca and Finn.
Finn now being an adult and Bianca, a teenager.

"Oh-! Don't you remember these things?"
"Yeah! The lego's!"

We hadn't heard from either of them in awhile.

"Do you wanna take them to the apartment with you?"
"No, it's okay. You can keep them."
"Okay! I probably won't play with them as often"
"What are you gonna do? Stuff them in your closet?"
"No! Maybe I'll put them in storage. I'll check up on them every now and then!"
"Mum usually throws out stuff in there."
"I know, I'll make sure she won't!"

All of my classmates looked at eachother.

"The man upstairs wouldnt allow this!"

Harmony said, trying to calm everyone down.

"Harmony is right guys,! Theres nothing to worry about, head back to whatever you were doing before!"

My teacher added. Everyone went back to talking and playing.


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A/N: New chapter!!! Hope it's not too short. Hope it's not boring either.
Harmony, Thomas, Allison aren't cannon characters for obv reasons
don't really have much to say here, Mae out!

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