Chapter 13: King of Embers?

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Zane screamed as the ice dragon he rode on went up onto the air alongside the others. Jay rode the lightning dragon with a smirk on his face and Cole seemed excited as he and his earth dragon did some flips. Nya had the fire dragon in the head of the pack.

"How are we supposed to get to the Underworld on the dragons again?" Jay asked and Nya smiled. "I don't know, let's find out." She said with a smirk and the dragons suddenly began to dive bomb.

The dragons dived down as fast as they could as a vortex began to open up below them, opening completely just as the dragons flew through, coming out the other side in the Underworld.

The dragons then landed and the four ninja got off. Sneaking through the Underworld, they begin hopping from stalactite to stalactite along the cavern roof of the strange realm. Down below them was a series of desolate floating connected islands.

They eventually pause to watch some Skulkin making sure there is no sneaking into the palace. "How do we get in?" Cole asked in frustration and Nya let out a small humm. "Don't know, but we need to figure it out." She stated while narrowing her eyes on the skeletons below them.

Just then, the stalactites they were on broke off the ceiling, sending them falling down below as the Skulkin stared at them in surprise.

The four grouped together with their backs to each other while keeping an eye on the Skulkin.

"Now what?" Jay asked and Nya smirked. "We fight and find our Sensei." She stated and the boys all nodded.

×(A//N:I can't write action sequences to save my life.

"There are too many!" Zane called out as the ninja fought. "Then let's do the tornado of creation!" Cole suggested. "But Sensei said it could have disastrous consiquinces!" Jay argued. "And?! Remember what I said when we were getting the scythe? Besides, if we're damned if we and damned if we don't, then we may as well try!" Nya rebuttled and the ninja all nodded at each other.





Bringing their elemental spinjitzu together in the tornado of creation, they trapped the Skulkin in a large cage before running toward the palace.

Inside the palace, Wu was fighting Samukai for the golden weapons. Wu had the sword and Samukai the other three. "Should we help?" Cole asked and Nya shook her head. "We would only hold Sensei back. If we stay out he can put all his energy and focus on the fight." She explained.

As the two fought, the ninja grew more and more worried the closer Wu came to defeat until he finally lost. When this happened, Samukai grabbed the sword and laughed while turning to face Garmadon. "Now I control you!" He shouted and Garmadon simply chuckled.

"You fool! I planned on your betrayal! My father created those weapons and even I can't handle them all at once!" Garmadon said while laughing in Samukai's face. At this, the Skulkin grew a worried expression as the weapons began to shake and he felt his bones vibrating. Unable to let go of the weapons, he let out one final scream of fear and agony before exploding into a vortex surrounded by the weapons.

Garmadon got off his throne and walked to the vortex. "Where are you going, Brother?" Wu inquired as Cole helped him to his feet. "To a place that will give me the power to recreate this world in my image." Garmadon said before jumping through the vortex.

"What do we do now?" Jay asked as Nya picked up the Sword and Zane the shurikins. "Easy, we prepare ourselves for his return." Nya states while looking to Wu, who nods and releases Cole.


The ninja all land their dragons in Nya's village, just outside the blacksmiths shop where Kai sat on the porch sharpening a knife. "Kai!" Nya exclaims as she slides off her dragon and runs to hug her brother. Kai puts away his knife and stone to hold his sister once she gets to him. "You've come back to me." Kai says with a chuckle. "Of course I have!" Nya says as she burries her face in his chest for comfort.

"I'm glad to see you all are okay. How did fighting the Dark Lord Garmadon go?" Kai asked as the others approach the siblings. "He's gone to another realm, but we'll be ready when he returns." Jay explains. "So, still a ninja then?" Kai says to Nya, who chuckles in response. "Yes, and we could use a skilled blacksmith." She replies and Kai smiles. "I think I can come up with a few suggestions."

At this the team all laugh as the ninja share a fist bump.

"We'll be ready by time Lord Garmadon returns, and when that day comes, we'll defeat him once and for all."


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