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Sunny day,
Teary eyes,
Feeling down was never my wish.
Wishing and dreaming never saved me once.
Left behind, forgotten...
Why do I wanna cry ?
Why the tears are leaving my eyes ?
Wanna runaway, wanna sleep,
Wanna get lost in the deepest part of my mind...
I need a start over.
A new start.
Everything's fine in my life,
But why ?
Why am I sad?
Why do I wanna cry so bad?
What's wrong with me ?
Why can't I just be as I want to be ?!
Why can't I do what I have to do ?!
Shitty people surrounding me...
Not saying that I am an angel...
They're all the same.
Lucky me, sad me, happy me...
Who am I ?
Someone who's gonna die...
Someone who's gonna change the world!
I believe in me!
Never gonna let myself down.

Hope you like it ❤

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