Nine - Mask Off

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"Ya Ibn el Sharmouta..," Hanan groaned and slouched in her seat.

"No fucking clue what that means but I agree," Maeve muttered and gave a death glare to Professor Snape. "A hundred per cent."

In front of the classroom, Snape sat at his desk, grading exams. He darted his gaze from the paper to Maeve. "Silence."

"Silence," Maeve mumbled, mimicking him. "You're our headteacher, why do we have to be here?" she groaned, slouching in her seat, head rolling back.

You shook your head, groaning as well and rubbing your tired face. You'd been trapped in his classroom for hours. In detention. However, your tiredness and ire were issued from something completely different.

"It's been two bloody days. Shouldn't you be proud that we won Senior's Night? Slytherin pride, eh?" Maeve tried, giving him a thumbs up.

There had to be something you were missing. The memory of the picture, those people and him licked at the perimeter of your mind. Even Snape was in the picture, you thought and glared at him. Yeah, there was a lot you were missing.

Jaw tight, Professor Snape ignored her. "Fine," Maeve groaned, giving up. "I'm going to Avada Kedavra myself if we don't get out soon," she mumbled and Hanan slapped her arm. "Don't say that," she hissed to her.

You caught a sigh in your chest, leaning forward in your seat, exhaling into your palms.

"Ouch dude," Maeve murmured, rubbing her arm then noticing your inner turmoil. "Psst," she tapped your arm, "everything okay?"

Her big dark eyes stared right into your soul, and you wanted to open up to her about everything. About every damn detail. How you'd caught feelings for your fucking Professor. How you were nothing but a fuck buddy to him. How there was something mysterious and malicious about the teachers in your school. Something mysterious and malicious about him. "Yeah," you shook your head, jaw tight, trying to flush the pain from your voice.

She frowned, her voice had a tinge of concern. "Is it about the guy?"

You nodded.

"Is it Fred?" She asked, lowering her voice. "Be honest."

Your brows rose. "What? No. No!"

Snape raised his gaze to you again, his tone icy. "Silence."

"Jeez, fine, forget I said anything," Maeve whispered to you.

"It's just that..," you sighed. "It's definitely not Fred."

She shrugged. "Then who is it?"

"Just some lad," you said, wanting to avoid the question.


You all yelped, flinching in your seats. Professor Snape also took notice of the explosive noise and pulled out his wand.


Heart fluttering, you scanned the classroom before realising the noise came from outside the room. You all stood up and pulled out your wands. Snape lifted a finger to his mouth, informing you to stay silent as he slowly stood up and listened to the noise coming from the hallway, behind the classroom door.

Then you heard students screaming in terror, running through the hallways, and another loud bang filled the air, the ground rumbling beneath your feet.

Sweat crawled down your nape, scattering over your lower back as you drew nearer to the door. Anxious to see what was waiting on the other side.

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