Thirteen - Afraid A Little Temptation?

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With your wand in your hand, you left the book storage room. Rubbing the back of your neck, you pondered whether you should take a boiling hot shower that would burn away the sin or just preferably jump off the Astronomy Tower.

Something on your neck felt really sensitive. The skin was oddly sore as you ran your fingers across it. "Ow," you mumbled, gently feeling around your neck. "What the-"

Your eyes widened.



You held your palm over the space between your neck and shoulder, an attempt to cover the skin entirely. You ran through the hallway, slowing down every time a student or a professor walked past you and giving them an awkward smile until you reached the girl's bathroom.

That fucking dickhead. You took the sight of the skin on your neck, pulling your shirt slightly down with your index finger so you'd get a better look. Soft trails of red and purple marks painted your skin all the way from your jawline to your shoulder.

You buttoned every button of your white blouse and lifted the collar upwards, but you could still see the soft bruises on your jawline and upper-neck.

"No! Honestly, I'm telling you the truth!" you heard a few students gossip behind the bathroom door. One of the girls looked taken aback as she pulled the door open. "Oh, hi," she shyly greeted you.

"Hey, hi," you nodded at her awkwardly and stepped away from the mirror. You held your hand over your neck and with the other held the door open for the girls to come inside so you could sidle out, in turn.

And like a guardian angel - -a bleach-haired guardian angel- - the Slytherin Quidditch team passed you, marching down the hallway and Draco Malfoy leading them.

With a scarf on his neck.

"Hey, hey!" you yelled and skittered after them. "Malfoy!"

He just gave you a nasty glare and shook his head, not intending to stop walking.

"Malfoy!" you tried again through gritted teeth and kept trailing them, sidestepping some of the team members. "Move away. I need to talk with Draco," you said and sidled from between them towards Draco still holding your neck.

"Some would think you try to ignore me," you tapped his shoulder.

He groaned and kept walking. "What do you want?"

"I'm glad you asked," you smiled at him. "I need that scarf of yours."

He gave you a confused look mixed with a scowl. "My scarf? I'm not giving you my scarf."

"I really need it, Draco," you said, walking next to him. "Please."

He shot you another glare and scoffed. "Do you know how cold it is out there? I'm not planning to freeze to death."

"Dammit, Draco," you snapped. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't need it. Please."

He shook his head. "I'm not giving you my scarf. Ask someone else."

You let out an annoyed sigh. "Please," you tried again and stretched out your left arm in front of him. He gave you another confused look but as soon as you quickly ran your index finger over your forearm and gave him a pointed look, recognition dawned on his face.

If his dad was part of the Death Eaters, Draco surely knew something as well.

His forehead puckered and he gave you a questioning look. You drew back your hand and narrowed your eyes at him. A silent agreement between you two.

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