Thirty-One - Appetite For Destruction

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In the darkness, I shall wait for you, love.

I always have.

I always will.

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"Stop grinning, Minos. I swear to god I will hex you." You stormed through the hallway of some random building with Minos right next to you. Shoulder to shoulder. You had escaped through building after building, alley after alley.

"We don't want to risk anyone tracking us by any chance," Minos had explained after he'd appeared behind your door, knocking for ten minutes before you'd managed to get up from the bed and let him in. Luckily, you'd been alone but he hadn't stopped having that stupid grin on his freckled face ever since.

"Ahh," Minos exhaled dreamlessly and you could've sworn his mismatched eyes turned light pink for a moment there. "There's just something in the air. Something warm and sweet and it smells like happiness and summer breeze." Minos grabbed your hand and the space around you stretched and twisted, transporting you to yet another place. "Smells like sugary biscuits and lemon tarts. A four-letter word that's filled with silent promises and delicious nothings about wonderful nights together and the mornings after."

You halted, groaning and pointing your finger at him, and with your most dashing smile said, "I will turn you into a fucking tart and not care about it on the morning after."

Minos raised his hands in defence but that stupid grin of his didn't cease. In fact, it grew even wider before he grabbed your shoulder and you were transported again.

Your head pounded and you felt dizzy. Transporting was definitely not your thing. "We are escaping the Magical Congress of the United States and all of their Aurors. We are breaking god knows how many laws and you are blabbering about love?"

"Ha!" Minos snapped his fingers. "How did you know I was talking about love?" he said in a sing-song, and that fucking grin was there again.

You rolled your eyes. "Oh, give me a break."

Minos laughed and slid his arm through the hook of your elbow, guiding you through the alley you were now in. The humid breath of early morning fog swallowed you both.

"Okay, I will stop. But tell me... is he good? I bet he's good. Really good. Like mind-blowingly good. You know the quiet ones always are." Minos managed to say all that in one breath. "Am I supposed to say that? Any of that? He's my boss after all..." Minos inhaled and exhaled. "Ah, well. I bet he's good."

As you were about to open your mouth in the midst of Minos' rambling, the atmosphere changed and Minos froze. He somehow managed to turn around quicker than you, his tone different. "Good morning, my Lord," he mumbled, head down, curls falling and covering his face.

"Minos," Tom Riddle greeted and walked through the fog past him but kept his eyes on you. You just nodded your greeting, quickly eyeing his black coat, black waistcoat, black shirt, black pants, black boots, and black gloves. Black, black, black. Jesus.

Minos coughed and trailed after him with you not far behind. "How are you, my Lord? Did you have an eventful evening, sir? Shit. I mean--. I didn't mean an eventful evening like that, uh, like with her. I-- uhh. I just meant that." Minos kept rambling when Tom Riddle halted, his coated back tense.

In a single heartbeat, Minos stopped too, craning his neck slightly to meet Tom Riddle's gaze as the tower of furious black fabric had turned around to glare at the copper-haired man with icy indifference.

Minos' head snapped back to the ground, his shoulders hunched and back tense.

A few seconds passed, then Tom spoke, "I do not wish to entertain you nor anyone with what I do with my time."

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