chapter three

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okay so here is chapter three and btw my friends 'Nova' and Bryanna are helping me so ya.:) and they are like mt two all time besties probably :) so hate towards them k and in this chapter i am uploading a picture :) its of me so please no hate :) k anywho here is chapter three and u r lucky that i am uploading it cause i have math homework hehe :) 

so enjoy Ma Bitches luv you're awko tawko pink flamingo... <3 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


chapter three

We we're driving in the car or in mine and the girls and the boys case the "limo". And might i just say that the boys (not Louis) were being curious of us cause of are clothes, i had on a cream colored top witch has a tank underneath and loose lace but it is a t-shirt, and had on shorts that cam about an inch away from my butt and it had two leather dangly sort of thingies hanging on the two side belt holes of my shorts. i accesorized it with a long necklace that came a couple inches under    my boobs. it had beads on it with a feather in the middle, and to finish it off i had 4 inch brown leather boots that came a quarter under my knee. (don't wanna be a slut ;)) i have on light makeup, kinda, i have on hooker red lipstick but i dont look like a hooker btw, no foundation just this creame, one of my makeup artist gave me, oh and did i forget to mention that i'm a modele oopps...,and i have on some mascara.

Nova has on a smiley face off the shoulder belly shirt to show off her belly button ring (we all have one :) )with her shourtest pair of booty shorts she has they are tiddy but they are jen color with a couple of white splotches here and there :).she has on yellow toms, and her accesories are limitted to one ring, and she like me has on light makeup of eyeliner and mascara, and her naturelle blonde haire falls perfectly down her shoulder.Sadie has on a dark purple dress that is about a quorter above finger length or mid thigh its ruffley at the very tip of it and just goes in a circle like that and it cover about a quorter and a half of her shoulder cause its louse rufles for the moost of it there and its v-neck, she accesorized it with a belt at her waist, two bracelets and earings, she matched her outfit with black ankle boot heels of 3 1/2inches that have purple stitching and to top it iff she had on light makeup that consiste of white eyeshadow, eyeliner mascara, a bronzer blush light brown blush to match her naturelly tanned skin and white avon shimmer glosse.and Mya had on a dark but light red-ish pink-ish pencelle skirt with a darfvadere off the shoulder belly shirt tukked in with a black waist length unzipped leather coat and a off the shoulder yellow purse with black studded 4 inch boots the same length as mine, she accesorized it with yellow small studded hoope earrings and her makeup was mascara chapstick and a bitt of eyeliner.

see now me and the girls are "sluts" or "whores" or "slags" even tho some people might think it but we just kinda dress how we like and to be honest we look goddamn HOT!!! and i guess Harry thinks so too ;)

"can i just be the first to say that you girls look damn fine"-Harry says winking at the two closest girls witch just so hapened to be me and Nova...

 The girls try to stiffle laughs while meanwhile i am trying to get Harry's hand off my leg that he putt there after he said that.His hand kept on going higher and i was about to break it if it got any higher...

"Have you ever played firetruck or red light green light"-he said "seductively", sorry styles but i got a thing for that little blonde leprochaune;).

i said putting my hand on his upper thigh and slowly moving it up, i noticed that the boys were watching closely and the girls and Louis were all smiling cause they all know what i do when someone plays this game with me it just ends in the guy clutching his balls. :) 

"have you ever played never going to happen"-i say seductively, as i put my hand up a bitt and go down hard on his balls and then say in a fake flirty but sarcastic but true way. "only in you're over exagerating, imagination"-i say as hi clutches his balls and i smile cheekily at him and the limo chose the perfect time to stop at our house cause i get out with the girls close behing but soone next to me, were all smiling in that "bitch you just got tolled"way.and we walk in the house, or more like skipp :).

But when we walk in i was very surprised at who i saw.

okay so who do you think it is, a friend a enimy a ex-boyfriend or x-friend????????

and yes i do know that it was very mean of me to leave a cliffhanger but i will be updating tomorrow kk i promise you that.

so vote/comment/fan and i prob wont update till i get at least 2 comments 1 fan and 2 votes k so comment vote and fan thanks...

luv you're awko tawko pink flamingo. :) <3 

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