chapter two (reuniting with Louis and wrestling in the airport)

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okay so sorry i haven't updated in a couple of days but i have been really and i would've updated yesterday cause school was cancelled but i was in bed all day so ya... :)... and also when i put up pictures of the clothes that a character is wearing it will most of the time probably be a picture of me or one of my friends in that outfit so please no hate and i will put a quick short little A/N saying who it is. And i would also really appreciate votes/comments/fans and please comment on what you think of it so far cause i really wanna know thanks. :)

anywho here is chapter two...

enjoy ma bitches... luv your pink awko taco flamingo...<3... :) :D


chapter two

"MYA!!!.SADIE!!!"-Me and Nova scream running over to our two all time best friends who just ran in the airport doors away from the paparazzi and the screaming fans (and we thought this was going to be a quiet home-coming but you can't stop the 1D boys from tweeting can you ^__^) 

"MA FAVE BITCHESSSS......."-Mya screams, running up to me and Nova, Sadie close behind her, then they both jump on me and Nova tackling us to the ground and we all squeal and we get a lot of weird looks from like everyone in eyesight of us in the airport, and of course us being us we all shout at them at the same exact time...

"TAKE A PICTURE IT WILL LAST LOUNGER!!!!!"-We shout at the same time and earn disgusted looks from adults and old hags, and annoyed looks from people are age...

Then i see my dad running towards and when hes in earshot he yells...

"ROSALYN THE PLANE JUST LANDED, SO DO YOU WANNA SEE YOUR BROTHER OR NOT?"-He yells, and me and the girls all automatically jump up and start racing each other to wear Louis and the boys will be coming out after they get there luggage and all that shit!.

We run right past my dad and to where my mom is waiting with Lottie, Fizz, Pheobe and Daisey. S here we are running at them in FUCKING HEELS might i add and earning quite a few disapproving looks while i'm just thinking, bitch does it like i care.

Once we get to my mom and younger siblings, people are just starting to get off of the plane and my nervs are so hipped up that i'm jumping in circles like i'm high off cocaine... Then the doors open and everyone now gets to come out and see there families or friends or who ever the hell came to get them i really don't give a fuck. Then i see the five faces that i have been waiting so fucking long for, walk through those doors and i immediately spot Louis upon those five and run over to him.

"MY GORGEOUS CARROT KING!!!"-I yell too Louis so he can hear me, his head imidiatly snaps in my direction (hehe direction, zones back in) at the sound of my voice, and he opens up his arms to imbrace me and yells...

"MY BEAUTIFUL CARROT QUEEN"-He yells as i jump into his already opened arms and he starts to spin me around, but my friends like to tackle people so they tackled me and Louis to the ground so like the mature people we are we start to wrestle, yes, yes we are wrestling in the middle of a freaking airport with one of the members of one direction while my family are laughing there ass's off and the rest of 1D are looking very awkward, mainly because they haven't meat me yet cause i haven't been there any-times when they came to are house in Doncaster.

We finally stop wrestling and get up and me, Mya, Sadie and Nova are laughing so hard we almost piss are selves... we are very mature and did i mention we are all between the ages of 16 too 18 1/2 ya some of us are adults teeheehee.

All the girls including the fam hug Louis then he introduces me and ma girls to the rest of the boys who had a very puzzled look on there faces.

"Zayn, Liam,Harry and Niall i would like you to meet my oldest sister who is younger then me, and her friends!"-Louis said winking at me when he said younger sister,ass. "Rosalyn"

"I go by Rose or Rosy"-i say with a smile and all the boys look at me and the girls admirably.

"and who might these 3 other beautiful girls be?"-a youg Harold asks, eyeing me and the girls up and down... Back off curly these girls are mine, MINE mine MINE mine MINE. K MINE...

"This is Nova, Mya and Sadie"-i say pointing to each of them as i say there name.

"well we should get home before we introduce each other anymore"-My dad says, and thank god too cause i could've sworn i caught Harry looking at mine and Nova's chest and ass as we turned around...


so tell me what you think. please comment just so i know that people actually are reading this k :) 

so vote/comment/fan

love your awko taco pink flamingo. :) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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