chapter 8 (sexy and bad :)) part uno

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Chapter 8.

We found a bouth table that was oval shape near the back of the club, we sitte down and act all misterious towards the boys who are acting like they just meat us... Hmm i like this game;)...

"Why hello there beautiful, do you mind if we site with you"-Niall i think hiw name was asks ;).

"No not at all, but i'm just warning you now that i have a boyfriend, so try anything and i will have you're head on plate"-i said smiling cheekly.

He laughs and sittes down so close to me that i almost stop breathing his sent is so intoxicating like a lot...

"So how are you supossed to dance in those heels, love"-Niall whisper yells to me cause the music is so loude.

"Like this"-i say pushing him out of the bouth and grabing Nova's hand and the rest of the girls follow close behind.

when we get to the dance floor the boys have already started to walk over and me and the girls start dancing together throwing are hips and swaying them and then i do my sifniture dip sitte witch is we're i go down with my legs open(no not in that way yyou dirty minded children...)it kinda lookes like i'm a frog but my hands are clamped together and to the right side of my face, and go back up as quickily as i went down and when i looke at Niall, he has a looke of need on his face, witch just makes me smirk, big time.

With one finger (no not that finger. tsk...tsk... shame on you-__-) i motion for him to come over witch he does and he is staring at me the whole, not any other slut or whore or slag around us:) witch impresses me;).

"Like what you Horan?"-i say with a misteriouse smirk on my face:).

"Very much so"-He says in his thick irish accent and i think that i just about faint cause the next thing i know Niall is holding me by my waist...cause i triped and almost fell...FML!!!!!

"Don't fall babe"-Niall says smirking.

"Ahh ya bahaha NO"-i say to him with a serious face when i say no, witch just makes him laugh.

and i just relise that are faces are only like inches apart, he lookes me in the eye and brings his face a little closer to mine so we are only centimetres apart and i can feel his breath on my lips.

"You have beautiful eyes"- he says and i blush, witch again i never do!!!

"Mmm i could say the same about you'res"-i say peering straight into his beautiful blue eyes and this time i let myself get carryd away in them but before i do i crash my lips on to his and can i just say...

Sparks...sparks... and DAMN SPARKS...

we just stand there for about like two minuts are lips moving in sync, my hands found there way around Nialls neck and into his hair, his arms were snacked around my waist and the kiss was the most amazayn(see what i did there ;D) feeling in the whole intire world.

His tongue licks my bottem lip begging for entrance so i let him in, are tungues dance and play games and kinda just like um... explores each others mouths, then i feel someone tapping my shoulder and i hear laughing.

Me and just keep on making out.

"Rose...Roseee...ROSY!!!!-Nova screames in my ear and i pull away from Niall, and looke at Nova who is about to die.

"What.Do.You.Want."-i growl glaring at her snikkering face.

"Rossy and Niall sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love then comes marriage then comes a whore walking over to yo man"-she sings then has a disgusted looke on her face while mine is of confusion.

"Turn around"-she growls at me but i do as told.

I looke at Niall who is trying to pry off of him some cheap whore, who i am seriously about to fucking bitch slap cause that whore also happens to be some bitch from school who i could kill she's such a bitch.

Then what happens next i am soo not expecting...she kisses him... she just fucking kissed my boyfriend and he did not looke like he was enjoying and he tried pushing her off but he didn't have to cause i already and i slapt that bitch...HARD...


ohhh so what do you think is going to happen in the next chapter and sorry it tooke me so long to update or cause i didn't keep to what i said but i had tp freaking update okay it was killing me...

so for the next chappie, 2 votes 2 comment and 1 fan k tthanks.

luv you're awko tawco pink flamingo :) <3 

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