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I was sat on my bed listening to karl return home,the book he gave me was next to me with a corner folded down halfway through it as a bookmark,I was going to escape,I had to.

I had remembered the booby pins in my backpack and I had one ready in my hand.

I heard him move about in the main area then I heard him standing outside my door and I stayed quiet then he went into the room next to mind shutting the door,I heard him shuffling about then soon his bed creaked slightly,I waited to hear when he was asleep and soon enough I heard deep breathing and soft snores....he sounded quite peaceful...I smiled to myself then I shook it off and I put my shoes on and backpack on then I went to the lock on the door and started to pick it,one thing that I picked up from my ghost of a boyfriend is how to pick a lock.

"Come on..." I said then I heard a click and I opened the door

"...bingo" I said and I stood up and quickly walked to the double doors and turned the handle to see that it was unlocked,I quickly walked out closing them quietly and made my way through the factory trying to remember the way we came in but I must of took a wrong turn somewhere,I walked through another door and I sighed just seeing another room.

"This place is a freaking maze" I said to myself then I heard movement,dread filled me and I went to walk back out but out of no where this robot of half man half plane turbine came at me, it's turbine noise was deafening and I screamed and ducked down running to the other side of the room.

I quickly got between these lockers in there as the creature came at me again and the turbines sparked as they hit and started destroying the lockers getting closer to me,I screamed in pain as something flew off of it and hit my arm and I looked at my arm seeing that it was bleeding quite badly.

The door slammed open.

"Enough!" I heard karl shout and relief filled me as the creature backed off cowering away from karl and he looked over at me and walked to me.

"You found me" I said with a halfhearted chuckle as I shook my head,my time to escape was wasted.

"Did you ever doubt I would cupcake?" He asked me then he lifted me up by my arms being careful of the cut on my arm then he placed his arm around my waist with my arm around his shoulders and walked me out of there,I couldn't understand the feeling I got inside of me at him holding me.

We were back in the main area of his apartment and he had sat me down on a chair at the table,my backpack was back in my room and Karl grabbed the first aid box and sat down with it open on the table.

"Now hold still" he told me and I listened and stayed still as he wiped over the cut making me tensed in pain.

"You're lucky it isn't deep so you don't need stitches" he said

"Yeah lucky me" I said sarcastically

"This is why I said to not go into the factory alone" he said as he started wrapping a bandage around it

"I had to try and get out of here" I said back

"Even if it meant getting yourself killed?" He asked


"Wow you're quite stupid aren't you?" He said and I glared at him as he looked at me

"Don't talk to me like that" I warned him

"Well you are,I warned you and you didn't listen,you might as well of been the blonde one instead of your friend" he said and I pulled back my arm and I couldn't stop myself from slapping him around the face,the sound of it lingered then it was silent and I stood up and walked into my room slamming the door.

I laid on the bed as tears welled up in my eyes thinking of Lana and how I couldn't save her and how completely alone I was in this world let alone this god forsaken village.

The door then opened and I kept my eyes on the wall ahead of the bed

"Don't ever hit me" Karl's voice said with a threatening sound.

"Just kill me..." I whispered

"What?" He asked sounding a little surprised and I looked at him as tears started leaving my eyes.

"I've lost everyone I have ever cared about,I have no family and now I lost my best friend,I have nothing so just kill me" I said with small sobs.

"I won't kill you" he said with a softer voice

"Because mother Miranda's ordered your not to?" I questioned him

"No because I don't want you dead..." he said and I frowned slightly,I knew how much of a burden he thought of me as and I wouldn't put killing someone as something he wouldn't ever do.

"...look just rest and I'll uh get you food" karl said then he walked out closing the door but not locking it,I stared back in front of me,tears still falling and feeling absolutely done with this world.

Past unfolded and a new beginning ensured - Karl HeisenbergWhere stories live. Discover now