8 - smut

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It was the next day and I was finishing up our dinner whilst Karl had spent the whole day down in the factory working.

I could hear stomping coming towards the double doors and for a second I got scared that it was one of Karl's creatures paying a house visit but then I heard Karl's huffing and I smiled knowing he was home.

I placed our dinner on the table as Karl opened the doors and walked in closing them behind him.

"Hey" I greeted him

"Hey cupcake" he said,he sounded exhausted and frustrated.

"Everything alright?" I asked him as he walked over

"Just hungry" he said and I smiled as he sat down at the table in front of the plate of lasagna,he had got more of a variety of ingredients from someone called duke so I could make more dinner choices.

I sat down at the table too as Karl blew his fork full then ate it,I smiled in pride at how he groaned a little at the taste,no matter what kind of day he has,my cooking makes it better.

My smiled left my face,I've become a fucking housewife.

"I better go" Karl said getting back up after only eating half the food.

"Where are you going?" I asked him

"To work" he said

"But you just got back after working for a whole day" I said to him and he looked at me and sighed.

"And now I'm going back to work" he said raising his voice a little 

"When will you get back?" I asked him wanting his company

"When I damn well please!" He exclaimed

"I jsut want someone to talk to" I said looking down

"And I need to fucking work,I can't fucking babysit you all like time!"  He said lashing out at me

I looked at him in shock and anger at his words and I stood up and walked into my room slamming the door so loudly that the door shook on its hinges.

I sat on my bed and listened as Karl sighed and I looked over at my door as he stood in front of it then he growled slightly and walked away,the front doors opened and closed leaving me alone in the apartment.

I won't give him reason to babysit me anymore,I won't have anything to do with him.

It was lot later in the evening and I couldn't sleep so I was up cleaning the kitchen area thoroughly after I had just finished my book.

I stopped as the doors opened but carried on cleaning and just stuck to the plan of ignoring him.

"Hey you're up" he said and I just kept on doing what I was doing.

"Cupcake?" Karl asked but I moved to place all of the plates and bowls in the cupboard.

"Everleigh?" He asked and I stopped for a second,he hadn't said my full name before so it caught me off guard but then I moved to wash up the small amount of things in the sink.

I then heard him walk over and then his hands were on my hips and my body was lit on fire at the touch of him.

"How about we have some more fun?" He asked me and I scoffed

"Don't act like everything is fine not after what you said" I whispered with anger in my voice

"What do you mean?" He asked,is he actually serious right now?

I turned to look at him as I shoved his hands off of me and I faltered a little looking into those hazel eyes as they starred down at me but no I need to say what I needed to say.

Past unfolded and a new beginning ensured - Karl HeisenbergWhere stories live. Discover now