The Captain

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After finding out about Ghost's wife you're heartbroken. All he does is beg for your attention, but you're not that soft. You've been numb your whole life because of situations like this. This isn't the first and won't be the last.

You ran into someone, you were to focused on Ghost crying behind you begging for you to come back to him. "Oh gosh I-I'm so sorry," you say looking up to meet the eyes of Captain John Price. He smiles at you, "Afternoon," he looks you up and down. "Off to the gym aren't we Y/N," you nod your head yes. He smiles, "Fine, but when you're done come meet me in my office," he winks at you and carries on past you, rubbing Ghosts shoulder passing by whispering something to him.

You finish your reps, sitting on the bench sipping your water, you feel your phone vibrate. You reach into your sweatpants pocket pulling out your phone, as the screen lights up you see it's from Price. The texts reads, "You about finished yet? It's important please hurry," What could it be? Did Ghost tell him about our hook up? No he wouldn't. You let out a sharp quick exhale and stand up. You open the gym door feeling the cool breeze hit your face, you tighten up your ponytail and start jogging again to Prices headquarters.

You wipe off your sweat with your shirt as you open his door, exposing your stomach. "Y/N you actually came!" he seemed very surprised and happy. "Did you need something Price?" he smirked tapping the chair in-front of him. You sit down hard, because you're so tired. "I'm just lonely and I know you less out of everyone on my team, so how about me and you go out sometime and get to know each other?" Your cheeks slowly turn red. "Well.. I- I," you clear your throat, "I would be willing to go with you John-" he interrupts you, "Awesome Y/N, I'll be picking you up around 15:30 tomorrow, be ready Y/N you won't regret it," he stands you up and escorts you back to your dorm, talking about your favorite restaurant and food. Before he lets you go in, he says, "Make sure you dress up Y/N," he puts his hand on your cheek and kisses your nose and smiles at you before turning away.

You wake up, rubbing your eyes to clear the sleep off them. You stand up, your body feels heavy. You brush your teeth and then remember, you have a date with Captain Price.

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