Chapter 1

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Bhallar's eyes stung. The storm was unexpected and furious. Taking shelter behind his camel, with one hand, he held on to his travel companion cum means of transport with his dear life, while the other remained fisted over his heart. "I am sorry, Zor. I should have paid attention to the weather forecast at the outpost." He thought wistfully.

The man, who was barely twenty-three, was uncle Sharre, the royal physician's first hand. It meant that when the old man, who was his grandfather's age, was busy taking care of the royal family, it was Bhallar's responsibility to act in his stead.

Sharre, who was his deceased father's close friend, was not only his current employer but was also his mentor and benefactor.


After his friend had died unexpectedly due to a 'blood related' illness, the royal physician had saved Atmoo's family: Bhallar (his son), Mayara (his wife), and Mayeen (his daughter, who was five at that time), from death by starvation (or worse).

The New Kingdom was not safe for the poor, especially those who had young daughters at their homes and no breadwinner they could rely on.

When the family was struggling to make ends meet, Sharre, who had seen glimpses of Bhallar's intelligence in the way he had picked up tricky skills just by observing his father, who was the physician's first hand before passing away, had invited the boy over to the New Kingdom's capital, Qulsairis. His belief in Bhallar's talent was cemented after he tested the best and brightest minds in the kingdom and decided that his friend's son was the worthiest of the lot.

Knowing full well the state of affairs at Bhallar's home, the physician had taken it upon himself to take care of the financial needs of the family while the boy stayed in the capital for the duration of his training.


As the storm ravaged around the young physician, he recalled an old conversation that he had had with his sister before leaving Zhpobu, their hometown, and going to Qulsairis to start his training to become a doctor under Sharre's supervision.

'Brother, I overheard mother asking you to visit uncle Sharre. I was wondering if you could bring back some Violet Genoises?'

'Mayeen, did you finish it already!?'

'I am sorry, dada*. I didn't mean to, but I couldn't help it.'

'Mayeen, you know that we can't afford them anymore. Mama* got upset last time when she found out that I got them. She thought they were for me. Tell me, Mayeen, were they for me?'

'No. But that's because you don't like them!'

Bhallar smiled fondly at the memory. He loved the violet-colored candies as much as his sister, if not more, but he had never corrected her.

Mayeen's happiness outweighed all else.

The young physician pursed his lips, trying to stop them from trembling. He reminisced how his younger sister had pouted at his statement.

It was her go-to weapon when she wanted to manipulate her brother. The young girl knew the power it held and used it on special occasions like this one.

Bhallar waited till his face stopped stinging before opening his eyes a smidgen. Finally, the storm had subsided, but it was not feasible to resume his homeward journey just yet. He made himself comfortable, resting his back against his trusty travel companion, and went back to his musings.

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