Chapter 7

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Disappointment danced in the head eunuch's eyes for a split second before disappearing like it was never there. Nonetheless, he approached her, "Are you rethinking your choice?"

"No, my lord. To serve the royal house is my greatest wish. I… think-" Mayeen swayed on the spot, closed her eyes, "My head… " she whispered softly.

Mayeen knew that once they were accepted by the eunuch, no man except the Pharaoh and the physician could lay hands on them.

"Help her!" The bald man braked, gesturing to the girls to help her.
As the girls got busy, he wheeled around and commanded, "Fetch the physician."

Confusion ensued as none present were aware of the doctor's whereabouts.

Mayeen had counted on this to happen. She chose a moment when no one was paying them any heed and spoke, "If you chose to leave, you would suffer a fate worse than death. Trust me."

An eerie calm blanketed the young girls; they, especially those who had almost made up their mind to leave, exchanged panicked glances.

Mayeen read their mind. "There is no way you can go back to your old lives. All you can do is choose the lesser of the two evils."

"How is she doing?" The eunuch asked, stepping closer. He waved his hand, signaling the doctor who had just entered the hall to approach Mayeen.

"The girl is fine." The physician announced, "She is probably fatigued and dehydrated." He turned to his assistant while addressing the eunuch, "When you sent for me, I had an inkling of what I would be dealing with, so I brought serbat* along."

"Thank heavens!" The eunuch muttered under his breath and crouched next to her. His eyes dilated (obscurely) as he happened on the birthmark below her left ear.
Looking away instantaneously, he rose to his feet and clapped his hand. "Girls, she is in capable hands now. I am still waiting for your decision. What shall it be?"

One after the other, the girls stepped towards their right, and as they did, the morale of the men surrounding them fell; their smiles turned into frowns.

Discontent murmurs broke out among
the armed men when the last girl chose to serve Tutuamen. It was probably the first time that the initiation process had left their hands empty and loins starving.

"Silence!" The eunuch growled; despite that, the men continued to display their displeasure.

With dissatisfaction fueling his courage, the soldier with an eagle's crest embroidered on the top left corner of his tunic, just over his heart, stepped forward. "Msrah, I won't accept this! We were promised skin. You have left us with none!"
The eunuch's turquoise eyes narrowed. Nonetheless, when he turned around, a candy-sweet smile had replaced it. He slowly walked towards the fuming man and spoke matter-of-factly. "Be mindful of your words, Nexeu. We are just tools tasked with fulfilling our master's wishes. I can smell greed on you. It's most unflattering."

"My men have done their part. We waited patiently and did as told. We won't leave empty-handed if that's what you think!" Drawing his gold-hilted dagger, the man named Nexeu advanced on the eunuch, who stood his ground, unafraid. Smiling.

No one saw the arrow that pierced Nexeu between his brows swoosh through the air. Yet, every single one whom it passed could feel the air vibrate.

The impaled man winced, more shocked than pained. It was understandable since it was as unexpected as it was precise. Without a word, he collapsed at the feet of the one he was planning to murder barely a moment ago.

Msrah sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Amten, how many times do I have to remind you that you are supposed to be at our master's side, not mine."

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