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"C'mere gorgeous." Andy took Cora from Genevieve's arms where she was fussing and held her to him. The baby nuzzling into his neck. "There that's much better isn't it?" He told her as he bobbed her gently.

Gen smirked. "I'll grab you a drink." He followed her through, watching as she checked the food in the oven and passing him a soda. "So how was this week's therapy? You said it was heavy?"

Andy sighed. "He got me talking about the crash." Stroking Cora's back as she wiggled around a little and burying his face into her head. Now this was the real therapy for a crap day.

"Ah..." She smiled weakly. "And how did it feel?"

"At first? Not good – kinda freaked out in my head. Then I slowly came around to it. It helped a bit."

Gen leant back against the counter. "It'll get easier, I mean that was your first time talking to someone about it. It's another big step."

He loosened his tie as Cora began to bat at it. "Oh no you don't." Andy grinned as she grasped the material. "And you're right, it'll get easier. Just gotta talk it out – I know that much now, aaaaand..." he stuffed his tie into his pocket and held Cora up to look at her a little more, "Cuddling you is another great therapy for me." Cora gave him a gummy smile and became a little excited.

Gen watched him with her. As she'd told him before, he was incredibly good with her daughter. Cora always was content and the way she was looking at Andy now told Gen that she liked him. "See Cor? Told you Andy would make you feel better after those nasty old jabs." And told her while the baby gurgled away to them both as they headed into the living room.

Andy put Cora in her baby gym, and she began to bat at the toys hanging down around her, settling himself on the couch. "How's her colic doing?" He asked, watching while she wriggled around.

"Gone now thankfully, reflux is beginning to sort itself out too."

"She sleeping more?"

Gen nodded. "Which means I'm looking less dead than I feel." And then realised what she said, face falling. "Sorry..."

"No, it's fine." He quickly stopped her. "Not offended at all so don't apologise." The last thing he wanted was for her to feel like she'd upset him just from an innocent comment.

"I know but I should've thought before I opened my mouth."

"Gen...it's fine. I'm not upset. If anything I've been feeling the same too, except my lack of sleep is for different reasons." He smiled.

Genevieve looked unimpressed. "Did you get the doctor to prescribe any tablets to help?"

"Got an appointment this week actually." He told her and took a swig of soda. "Then again working late isn't helping."

"Don't tell me that you've been bringing work home?"

He shrugged. "What I've always done, especially if it's a big case."

She sighed. "Andy that cannot be good for your mental health – especially if it's something heavy that you're dealing with."

"Probably not." He sucked his teeth knowing full well that it was never a good idea. "It's not every case though" and tried to justify himself.

"Andy Barber that is going to have to stop and you know it." Gen told him, "If I can make you chuck out your beer, then I can stop you from bringing work home."

He grinned. "What you gonna do? Lock away my laptop and case files?"

"If that's what it takes?" Her look was a determined one. "Okay, if it was a choice between baby cuddles or looking at case notes after work? What would you choose?"

Silver Linings (Andy Barber)Where stories live. Discover now