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Andy leant back against the desk in the room that he had now made into his office. He'd literally moved the remainder of his things into Genevieve's the evening that Jack had turned up. No way was he about to leave her and Cora alone in that house by themselves. She had been shaken up by his whole visit and had been a little more anxious than normal since then. Always checking of an evening before they went to bed just in case Jack's car was outside. Gen had even changed the number of the house phone as well as her mobile number just so he had no contact through those either.

Recently Andy had been given more of the opportunity to work from home, so he was usually there unless he was in court. Something that was able to put Genevieve's mind at rest.

With his cell pressed to his ear, he waited patiently until the bright and bubbly voice answered. "Andy! How you doing!" Sadie greeted him with delight.

"Hey Sadie, you got a moment to talk?"

"Anything for you! What's the problem? If there is one that is!" She laughed down the line.

He chuckled slightly. "I need to sell my house."

"Oh...wait, are you leaving?" She asked a little taken aback by the news.

"No, no I've erm. Well I've moved in fully with Gen – I'm gathering she hasn't told you about the whole situation with her ex-husband?"

Sadie sighed. "Oh god, that bastard...No, I haven't been able to catch up with her in a while. Work's been absolutely crazy and then as you know Josh and I went to the Maldives!" She soon realised that she was straying from the subject, "What happened?"

"He showed up making demands, that's what happened. I'm not having that."

"I hope you made him aware of just what he's up against."

Andy glanced out of the window. "I made it clear that if he showed his face again then he wouldn't be leaving town the way he arrived. He's wanting custody of Cora, but he won't have a chance at that. I've already spoken to my colleagues about it too."

"Natalie made sure that Gen didn't name him on the birth certificate either so that's another pro for the situation." Sadie told him. "What about the divorce papers?"

"He won't sign 'em. Which I knew would be the case."

Sadie now laughed. "Of course, that's Jack all over. Seriously if I had a time machine then I'd go back and tell her on her wedding day that she was making a mistake." Her voice softened. "I'm sorry you've had to deal with this shit..."

Andy shrugged it off. "Yeah well...I've been through worse." And then changed the subject. "Anyway, I wanna sell – there's not point in me being there and I'm gonna be honest. I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon."

"Ok, well I'll come over and get the key later on, and will take a valuation – then we can go from there. Sound good?"

"Thanks Sadie, I appreciate it."

"Anytime, see you later."

He hung up and went downstairs to make a coffee. The house was quiet, Gen was back working at the salon again and Cora always went with her, so he had the place to himself to work and make his calls. He knew that with Natalie, Gen would be fine at work, and he was always five minutes away if he was needed.

They'd got in touch with the lawyer who had drawn up the divorce papers, Andy going through what was what and how Jack hadn't signed. There was always a way if the spouse refused to sign, which in this case was the way they were now heading.

A trial, on which the outcome would be determined.

Sure it was more a ball ache, but it would work in their favour if he didn't show for the date given. Which was currently pending.

"He'll show up for that, just to spite me – Jesus all he has to do is write his fucking name!" Gen had stressed when she'd paced the kitchen on getting off of the phone with the lawyer.

"And if he doesn't then the court will determine what the final settlement will be. Which will be granting you full custody and all the other things you laid out in final papers."

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. "I just want it to be over." Her voice spoke into his chest. "He showed up here three months ago and since then all I've been doing is looking over my shoulder!"

Andy had looked into her eyes. "Hey, look he's not going to come back ok? Now when he knows I'm here."

"But what if you're not?" Her expression was a scared one.

"Then you lock all the doors and windows, and call the cops – and me. We've been through this ok, and soon it will be over – even if we have to serve him a damn restraining order."

Andy was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even hear the front door open, and Gen come in, Cora balancing on her hip. "Andy?"

"Huh? Sorry sweetheart." He said, giving her a kiss while Cora all but launched herself from Gen's grasp and onto him. She'd only just learnt to crawl, and he'd spent the past weekend baby proofing the house. "I thought you had a client this afternoon?"

"They cancelled, so we decided to come home and have lunch with you." Gen smiled. "You eaten?"

"Not yet - I'm still running on coffee."

She tutted, "Andy, did you not even have any breakfast?"

"Does a croissant and another cup of coffee count."


"Then no. I did not." He said as Cora chewed on his tie.

Gen shook her head and grabbed her car keys. "Right, well I'm going to go to the café and grab us something then, will you be ok with her for a while?"

"Course I will, I can read her that boring first words book again and learn my alphabet." He smirked, Cora waving as Gen left. "Ok, Cor – what shall we do? You wanna read?" He asked and carried her into the living room, grabbing the baby's favourite book.

She was looking even more like Genevieve now – and was probably the prettiest little girl he'd seen in a long time. He glanced at the picture of Jake on the fireplace – Gen insisting that his picture belonged up there right next to Cora's.

They would have been a nice little family if his son had been with them now. Gen said that he was, and Andy know she was right. Jake was still there in his own way.


Andy quickly looked down at Cora who was still more interested in his tie than the book he had open.

"What did you say..." He asked as she looked up at him with sweet little baby blue eyes.

"Dada..." her soft little voice trilled.


The thing is was that Andy was the male father figure who she had known during her short life, but still it surprised him. She'd been saying 'mama' a lot and they'd expected something like this but now he'd actually heard it? Usually it was more a babble of just da-da-da but she'd literally just called him 'Dada'.

He kissed her hair and held her closer – the name that had briefly hidden itself away since Jacob had died now emerging with Cora giving him all the confirmation that he needed. Whether his son was gone or not, he was still a father and now not just to one child, but another.

"Yeah gorgeous. I guess I am your dad..." 

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