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"Andy! Yoo hoo!"

Andy was cornered one morning as Sadie came tottering towards him in her sky high heels, looking every inch the real estate businesswoman that she was. He had no idea how the hell she managed to show people around houses in them, let alone walk.

"Good morning Sadie." He bit his tongue, putting his briefcase into the trunk and shutting it as she finally reached him. "Do what do I owe the pleasure?" Andy could really do without this. He'd not get had his daily caffeine fix and was running late as it was.

Sadie grinned her wide smile and clapped her hands. "So I'm having a garden party this weekend and of course Gen has said yes because – duh, she's my friend, and you are also invited! Everyone who hasn't met you yet is dying to! You have to come!"

For fuck sake...

He couldn't think of anything worse. If what Gen had said was anything to go by then half of the women there would be staring at his ass for the majority of the time. Sadie included – and she was married!

"Then I guess I will be there." He smiled and then looked at his watch, "Anyway, sorry I've gotta go – I'm gonna be late."

"No problem hot stuff!" Sadie gushed and waved as she wobbled back across the road to her car.

Andy got into the driver's side, exhaled loudly and slammed his head against the wheel. Gen was going to have to let him have at least two of three beers to help him get through the hell that would be socialising at a garden party. 

Sadie gave him a beep and an over enthusiastic wave as she drove by in her Mercedes, Andy simply raising his hand in acknowledgement. He linked the Bluetooth to the car and pressed Gen's number.

"Not even 9am and Sadie's already been on my case." He sighed as she answered.

"Oh god, not the garden party thing..." Gen replied, Andy hearing Cora babbling in the background. "Please tell me I don't have to endure it alone."

He laughed as he turned out of the neighbourhood, "I was about to ask you the same thing. You've gotta let me have a couple of beers. I don't think I could last the whole afternoon being properly sober."

Gen had to agree with him on that. "You can have two, I'm dreading it because I know people are going to talk about Jack and ask all kinds of shit about the divorce and whether he's come to see Cora. Honestly I'd rather stay at home."

Andy grinned, eyes on the road as he drove. "Look, we make it through a couple of hours, then we can make our excuses and leave. How's that sound?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"How's Cora today?" He asked, still hearing the baby babble away.

"Veeeeery happy." Gen replied. I have a couple of clients coming over today, slowly getting back to work again so I really need her in this mood all day. Cora, say hello to Andy..." and the baby's voice became louder as Gen had most likely placed the phone next to her.

He smiled to himself. "Morning gorgeous."


"You gonna be a good girl for your mom today? Let her get on with her work?" He asked.


Chuckling, he heard Gen come back on the line. "Well that's certainly cheered me up. She's getting vocal."

"You know for a fact she's always had a pair of lungs on her. Geez I can't believe next month she's gonna be like, half a year old."

"Certainly goes fast, I'll tell you that now."

Silver Linings (Andy Barber)Where stories live. Discover now